Day 3: Music

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"Where are they!?" The sky blue Inkling cried out while running around their house.
"I don't know, Sora, I'm already looking!" 
Yuki started searching in their bedroom. As he peeked under the bed, while using his phone as a flashlight, he could finally see the package of the glowsticks that Sora had bought for this day. "I found them!" He exclaimed happily causing Sora to rush back to him. With a relieved look on his face, the sky blue Inkling took the package and put it in his backpack while saying "Ah, finally! I thought we lost them!" 

The two were getting ready for a special day today. It is a concert of Off The Hook and the Squid Sisters to celebrate the end of the Big Turf War and the fact that Octos and Inklings can finally live together in peace. 

Sora went to the bathroom and returned to Yuki with a package full of bright coloring. The Octo raised an eyebrow in confusion "since when are you into painting?" He teased his boyfriend while letting out a small giggle. Sora looked at him with a sarcastic look on his face "Ha Ha aren't you funny now. First of all, you know I was always into painting, even though I'm bad at it, and second of all, it's face painting! It'll glow in the dark!" He said while bouncing up and down excitedly. 

Yuki couldn't help but let out a small laugh. Sora looked like a happy child who just heard that he would go to a land made completely out of candy and where there is nothing he should ever worry about. He sat down and let Sora paint his face with all kinds of different shapes and colors.
"Come on, stop smiling! I can't paint you right if you keep making faces!" "I'm sorry! But I just can't help it! Seeing you so excited for once in a while just makes me really happy! I didn't see you with such a big smile for a while now. You look adorable when you smile, I think you should do it more often~!" 

As soon as he finished that sentence, Sora took a brush and painted right over Yuki's mouth and started to blush intensely "Oh my cod, stop Yuki! I was just really looking forward to this day, okay?" He went to a mirror and started to paint himself while Yuki still tried to collect himself from laughing too hard. "You know, listening to their music always reminds me of you." 

The softness in Sora's voice in combination with those words grabbed Yuki's attention immediately. "Seeing Marina up there, an Octoling, coexisting in such harmony with an Inkling, it just makes me really happy. I used to think that Octos are our enemy. But now, here I am", he turned around to face Yuki, who was completely mesmerized by the painting of Sora, "with you. We're living together in a city that would get enraged by the mere thought of Octolings. And now we're allowed to live here, together, being able to love each other without having to face the hardships of criticism and that just makes me happy."

Sora looked at his boyfriend with a big, warm smile. Yuki started blushing really hard and rushed over to his boyfriend to give him a big, warm hug "Awww, Sora! You're being too sweet, I'm gonna melt!" Yuki gave him a kiss on the forehead and told him to keep on painting his face. "Come on, let's finish and go to the concert!" He exclaimed excitedly. Sora responded with a nod and proceeded with his work.

When they finally arrived in Inkopolis, the place was completely wrapped in shining lights and full of excited Octos and Inklings, waiting for the concert to begin. They walked around a bit and suddenly spotted some familiar faces. "Glace?" ,Yuki asked loudly, "Sis, is that You?!" The cyan Octo turned around, searching for the source of the voice. When she spotted her brother, she let out an excited gasp and grabbed her girlfriend, Luna, and ran towards Yuki and Sora. "OH MY COD YOU'RE FINALLY HERE! I WAS LOOKING FOR YOU ALL OVER!!" the loud, with happiness filled voice was louder than any of the speakers that played some melodies before the concert started.

It made the two of them startle and take a step back. "I'm happy to see you too, sis. But please, don't destroy my eardrums right now, I would still like to hear the music." Yuki said jokingly, making the others laugh and causing Glace to cover her moth in embarrassment. Luna looked at their painted faces intensely and smiled. "Guess Sora was really excited about this, huh? He only puts his efforts into face painting if the wants it to be perfect for a special occasion. But I can see why. Today is a special concert after all."

As soon as Yuki wanted to say something, their faces started to glow as the lights went out, causing the group to turn towards the stage and join the others in jumping happily as The two Duos stepped on the stage. They all knew that today would be a day that everyone will remember for a long time.

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