Day 11: Farmer's market

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It was a mild day in Nosville. The sky was shining but the sun was hidden behind the clouds and the wind that would occasionally swift through the air hit the faces of the people like a cold whip.

Yasmina and Red-eye were walking through the village and saw many people walking towards a specific direction. But what caught the mage's attention was the grumpy attitude of Red walking beside her.
"The lack of sun really bothers you, does it?" Yasmina asked with a concerned smile to which the swordfighter replied with a sheepishly grunt and narrowed eyebrows.
"It's obviously there! The stupid clouds are just hiding it!" She said while raising her fist towards the sky.

Yasmina chuckled a little and put her friend's hand down. 
"So anyways, where exactly are you taking me? Is it connected to the direction all of the people are walking towards right now?"
"Yep! Actually that's exactly where we're heading to right now! The Farmer's market this year is opening a little earlier because the crops have grown really well and they wanted to share it as quickly as possible with everyone."
The answer pleased Yasmina very much. She always loved going to the Farmer's market with Red-eye, even though it could be a little exhausting keeping up with her friend's energy.

They walked through the gate connecting the village to the marketplace and seemed to enter a whole new world. Many stands were placed all over the open fields selling all kinds of fruits, vegetables and prepared dishes of said harvested crops. The delicious smell of pumpkin pie, vegetable stew, fruit filled pastries and much more filled the air, making it hard to decide where to go first to try the food. 
The two friends walked around to look at every stand and tried every sample that was offered to them.

Fresh pumpkin, carrots, potatoes, either baked, fried or just freshly prepared to be consumed in their original state. It was the same case with the fruits too but pears and apples were really popular this year. They tried fresh pieces of the fruits or ate them caramelized, covered in chocolate or baked after they were covered in cinnamon. It was like a festival for their taste buds and they regretted not even a second. As they saw an open field at the end of the stands with benches and tables, the two looked at each other and immediately knew what their next mission would be: getting as many dishes as they can and trying them while sitting on the bench.

When they returned to the benches with full hands and arms, they placed everything they got on the table. Vegetable stew, pumpkin soup, baked potatoes, beef stew, mashed potatoes, freshly baked bread, grilled chicken breast, with baked cinnamon apples and a pear filled pie for dessert.
As Red-eye was about to decide what to eat first, she glanced over at her friend who seemed to have a concerned look on her face. She took the spoon and started digging into the mashed potatoes with beef stew and asked her friend with a full mouth.

"What'sch the maffer? Cam't deshide what you wanna try firsht?" 
"No, that is not the problem. I am more concerned with the amount of food we bought."
Red-eye gulped down the food she stuffed in her mouth with great force, raised an eyebrow and pointed at the mage with her spoon.
"Okay, first of all, never underestimate my hunger and second of all, don't think about that stuff right now. We have so much delicious food laying here, your concerns will scare the taste away! So just," , she grabbed another spoon and pointed it at her friend so that she would take it, "grab a spoon and start eating before I will!"
Yasmina gave in and smiled defeated while she took the spoon and decided to try the vegetable stew. 

The two of them tried everything they got from the stands, from the main course meals to the desserts and were actually able to finish it all, not leaving even a single crumb. Much to Yasmina's dismay because she felt like she could never move an inch again.
"Too..much...way… too much…"
Yet Red-eye seemed to gleam with energy, filled with all of that delicious food seemed to make her completely forget about her bad mood about the weather, which was changing as they were enjoying themselves.
"Whoooo, that was delicious! Ahh I feel so energized now! Look, even the clouds are starting to fade away! That a sign Mina!"

The mage lifted her head, which he had put on the table previously for rest, and looked at Red-eye with visible confusion.
"A sign? A sign for what? For never eating food again? Because I think I have food trauma now."
"No, silly. It's a sign to get back to the market and try all of the other stuff we haven't tried yet! There are so many stands here, it would take all day to get to try all of them and that's a fight I'm ready to take on!"
"Of course you are, Red… and yet here I am, still confused at how all of that food could possibly have fit in your small body." She sighed as she gained all of her strength to lift her body.

"I need the energy for my training and you know it, Mina! These don't just come from nothing." Red-eye said while proudly showing off her biceps. Yasmina rolled her eyes playfully and giggled a little. 
"Now, come on. We have a mission!"
"Right, right. Whatever you say."
Red-eye reached out her arm and Yasmina closed in to wrap her arms around the one Red-eye offered as they happily walked towards the market for a second and probably not the last time.

Novelty November 2020Where stories live. Discover now