Day 23: Love

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"Do you really have to go?" Hibiki groaned in a desperate tone. 
"You know I have to, Hibiki." Kuro snickered with a gentle smile.
"I know but… I feel like I've barely been able to see you anymore."
"Do you remember the promise we made 3 months ago?"
"On our graduation day? Of course I do, how could I forget and I still intend to keep it. I wanna become a strong Demon Hunter and find out about my mother's past and you wanted to train in order to become a Shinigami and take on your father, right?"
Kuro's expression turned darker as he lowered his gaze towards the ground and hugged himself.

"Yes, I can't stand the thought of someone like him ruling over Jugoku. It's not the most beautiful or kind place and it certainly isn't kind to people with weak willpower, but it's my home. It's where I was born, raised and loved by my mother before she died and I can't just give it up to someone like him."
He stopped as he saw Hibiki's figure in front of him, who put his palm on Kuro's cheek and raised his head to look into his eyes with a stern expression.
"And I know that you are strong enough to put action behind those words. Just remember that you're not alone on this journey, we're all here to help you, to help each other."
Kuro leaned into Hibiki's hand and softened his expression, feeling a little bit at ease for now. 
"I know and I will never be able to express how thankful I am for all of your help."

The couple kept walking through the park and,  deeply lost in their talk, didn't even realize that they left Mycinia and walked through the light oak forest just outside of the park. They walked up a grassy hill and, just as they reached the top and arrived at the empty grassy field with one single tree, did they realize where they were. Hibiki's expression brightened as he excitedly walked towards the tree.
"Well, isn't that a funny coincidence. I didn't even realize in which direction we were walking."
"Me neither. It's somehow funny that we subconsciously walked to this place in particular." Kuro added while also approaching the tree. The glowing blue cherry blossoms were the trademark of this tree, known as The Tree of Souls. 

Kuro gently placed his palm on the stump of the tree and looked up at the cherry blossoms, which were beginning to shine as the sun was slowly setting.
"6 months ago", Kuro turned around at the sudden remark of Hibiki, "6 months ago, we stood here, right beneath this sacred tree."
"You called me to meet here because you wanted to show this beautiful place to me and, of course, for something else."
Hibiki blushed loudly as he remembered this event in particular and buried his face in his palms.
"Aaahhh, that was so embarrassing! I can still feel my heart pound like crazy! But you gotta admit, this is the perfect place for a confession, isn't it?"
Kuro giggled and nodded with a hearty smile.
"Yeah, you sure knew how to make it work. I mean, it did after all." 

Kuro's gentle face seemed to light up with the blue glow of the cherry blossoms, causing Hibiki to blush even more. He slapped his face with his hands two times and went closer to Kuro. 
"And I couldn't be happier. You can't even imagine how hard my heart was pounding as I started spouting that emotional nonsense! And then you even told me you felt the same way! I could've gotten a heart attack, you know."
"Now you're exaggerating." Kuro replied in between his laughter, which made Hibiki feel pretty proud.
"I'm just trying to get you to loosen up before you go back home. Your mind needs to be in the right place for that."
"And you did your job perfectly."
Hibiki approached Kuro again, put his face between his palms and pulled him closer for a soft parting kiss, which Kuro happily let himself melt into.

"Not being able to come with you is a heavy feeling on my heart but I know you, and I have trust in you and your abilities."
"Don't worry, Hibiki. I'm gonna keep the other part of my promise, just as I always have. I will return to Mycinia when the threat is getting too big in order to avoid intense injuries."
Hibiki smiled and nodded, understanding the duties his boyfriend had to fulfill and let go of him with a heavy heart.
"Just, please, be careful, Kuro. I could never bear losing you too. I love you."
"I love you too, Hibiki."
Kuro gave Hibiki one last reassuring smile and turned around to enter the Portal behind him to enter his homeland, Jugoku. Hibiki waved him goodbye one last time, looked at the now fully glowing cherry blossom tree and went back home, to await his boyfriend's return.

Novelty November 2020Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя