Day 30: Future

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As Yukiko stepped out of the Portal to enter Lylia, accompanied by Kuro, it was as if the whole kingdom was suffering along with them. The skies turned dark and heavy rain started to fall. The two friends walked through the waterfall garden in silence, being met by many concerned faces of the people living in Lylia. An elven lady approached the pair and tried questioning her queen.
"Your highness? What troubles you so much? The kingdom seems to cry as soon as it started feeling your pain." Yukiko lifted her tired gaze, her empty eyes meeting with the shimmering golden ones of the maid.
"Please, Alvira, my friend, make sure that the people will not follow us." She said as he hastily hugged her old friend who nodded in response and refrained from asking any further questions as the two kept going.

Soon they left the waterfall garden and, after passing a small garden of maple trees, arrived at the garden Yukiko and Kuro despised the most, the Garden of Grief. The wooden fence led to the half-circle entrance with Wisteria vines serving as the entrance door. Passing through them, they arrived at the field, filled with an uncountable number of Morning Glories blooming in a striking purple color. They walked along the pathway on one side until they arrived at the still free field and kneeled down to begin with planting flowers.

"No matter how many times I've come here in my many lives, I will never get used to it." Yukiko sighed as she planted the flower seeds neatly in a patterned line.
"It's never easy, planting a flower for each lost soul, falling victim to the demons we were unable to defeat." She stopped for a second at her friend's words and started sobbing gently before continuing.
"I'm just happy that I don't have to do this on my own anymore. I could never do this to my people. Seeing me so weak, I mean."
"Being a ruler sure is hard. Having to hide your weak moments so that they will never worry about their leader breaking. But,", Kuro stood up after he was done and moved to the pathway once more, "you don't have to hold back when I'm here."

Yukiko joined him after she was done as well and held his hand tightly as she waved her other one over the field to make the flowers bloom with her magic. The flower buds started opening quickly and fully bloomed with a yellow spark leaving it and floating upwards. The two of them sat down and watched with tear filled eyes. Yukiko rested her head on Kuro's shoulder and he put his arm around her for comfort.

"A tragedy like this, there was nothing we could have done."
"But it wasn't just the demon's fault, it-"
"Stop, Yuki, you can't take responsibility for it all. If you're going to blame yourself, then I'm guilty as well." Gentle tears ran down her cheeks as she tried holding in the sobs. 
"I'm sorry, Kuro."
"You don't have to be. Soon, it will all change for the better. I will get stronger, I will fight to become a Shinigami and prove my worth as the rightful heir to Jugoku. And as soon as that's done, I promise everything will change. No, it'll even change before that."
"How can you be so sure?" He turned to her to meet her eyes and smiled gently to cover his own fear.
"Hibiki and Takumi."

Yukiko's eyes widened at the obvious yet surprising remark of her friend and wiped away her tears with her sleeves.
"You're right. Like you, I would do anything to protect them and you, of course."
"You're not here to protect me and I'm not here to protect you." He grabbed her hand firmly and added determination to his firm and gentle gaze. 
"We'll protect each other. If we ever wish to share a future with them and each other, we have to hold on to our hopes and keep moving forward, no matter what happens."
Yukiko nodded in agreement and rested her tired head once more on Kuro's shoulder, who now rested his head on top of hers as well.

"Everything will be alright as long as we're together, right? You won't leave me alone, right?" The fear in her weak voice concerned Kuro but he had to stay strong, for her sake.
"You shouldn't worry so much about those unnecessary doubts. We have each other, now and always. We need to protect the present and all of the blessings we have received in this life, for it is them who will shape our future"
"You're right. Everything will be fine. I know it. Soon, the future will lead us into the light we've been trying to reach out for our whole lives."
"And then, with the ones we love at our side, we will finally be able to rest." 

They watched the lights of the wandering souls float towards the skies and soon closed their tired eyes for a well deserved rest. The fighting was over for now, but the future is unpredictable. A new challenge might arise, sooner as they would ever expect. But they were not afraid. Determined to protect everything they love, Yukiko and Kuro would face anything to carve the path towards their hoped future, together.

~~ Novelty November 2020 - End ~~

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