"Okay, seriously, who made up these rules?"

"It's a rite of passage into his pack." Rachel shrugged, . "Like an initiation."

"You know what else is a rite of passage? Graduating from high school. And you don't have to kill anyone to do it! Why can't you two just find him yourselves? Why can't you just sniff him out when he's a human?"

"I'd like to graduate high school too, Scott, but it isn't that easy." The brunette pursed her lips, her head hung low as she fixated her gaze on the floor. She couldn't exactly argue with him. Rachel knew better than anyone what it felt like to have your entire life do a 360° turn in a matter of minutes. Seconds.

She knew how much one bite could change everything, just as it could end it.

"His human scent could be entirely different. It has to be you. You have a connection with him, a link that you can't understand. If I can teach you to control your abilities, you can find him." The older werewolf explained, showing determination that Rachel hadn't seen before. She'd never seen Derek so dead-set on something, and she was proud. Maybe they could kill the alpha after all.

"So if I help you- you can stop him?"

"Not alone." Derek clarified. "We're stronger in numbers. A pack makes the individual more powerful."

"How am I supposed to help if I have no idea what I'm doing?" Scott gaped, looking between the Hale siblings in disbelief. He still didn't know the first thing about being a werewolf. Hell, even Stiles knew more than him.

"Because I'm gonna teach you. Do you remember what happened that first night you were shot in the arm- right after you were hit?"

"Wait what?" Rachel asked, uncrossing her arms & instead tucking her hands into the pockets of her leather jacket. "He was shot? No wonder he doesn't want to be with us, Derek! Sixteen year olds don't usually cope well with getting shot."

"Ignore her." The older werewolf snapped, reverting attention back to the topic of importance. "What happened?"

"I changed back." Scott stated, still not seeming to see the point.

"And when you were hit by his car, same thing, right? What's the common denominator?" Derek demanded, not waiting for an answer. He grabbed the teen wolf's wrist, bending it back until the crack of bone could be heard.

"What the hell are you doing?" Scott choked out, holding his paining wrist. It was an unneeded example, but Derek had broken the teen's wrist for a reason. Words weren't working, and in order to make him see the big picture, it was evident that a demonstration had been needed.

"It'll heal." Rachel mumbled, sending a glance of disapproval at her brother. Derek's methods were often a tad barbaric, but he never failed to make people understand.

"It still hurt!"

"And that's what keeps you human-" The older Hale paused, "Pain."

Rachel exhaled loudly, leaning back against the burned wall as Scott got to his feet. She couldn't help but pity him. Even if he'd been a nobody, he'd still been a somebody to someone. And that someone, was Stiles. They'd only been in it for a few weeks, but they were doing far better in the supernatural than Rachel had in sixteen years.

They were adapting, growing accustomed to a world they didn't belong in. Scott wasn't supposed to be a werewolf, he was supposed to be a normal human teenager. It didn't need to be said aloud, because the unspoken evidence was enough to convince anyone. Scott McCall doesn't deserve to die, and if Rachel & Derek can help it - he won't. Rachel would be lying if she said she'd take a bullet for him, but she'd fight. She'd never stop fighting until she righted the wrongs done by the alpha.

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