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I wake up out of my sleep with the worst hangover ever. I met the most beautiful woman at that party. Just as beautiful as my Ex-wife. When I first saw her I was captivated. Since I'm stuck here what more could I ask for to get to know her.

As tempted as I was to go into her room last night. I want to take things slow and wait until I get to know her. I get out of bed and head straight for the shower. I make sure to wash up with my signature scent.

I want to smell good for her after all. Make her remember me just by scent alone. I pay a lot of attention to my hair then wash the rest of my body. Once I get out, I dry myself off then put on some casual pants and a dress shirt.

Good thing I packed a lot of clothes. I hear a knock on my door as I put on my watch. I open it to reveal my best friend Ricky. "Nico I heard you were caught with my wife's sister last night." he raises a brow.

I smile as I remember how she kissed me so passionately. "Gosh, dude wipe that smile off your face. She just got out of a long relationship." he crosses his arms.

Last night she told me she was single and not married. Did she lie to me? "How long ago was it?" I clench my fists. "3 months ago, but dude you know how long it took you to get over Helen!" he squints his eyes at me.

It took me 3 years just to start sleeping with a woman again. I'm still not over my beautiful wife, but I'm willing to take a chance with that woman.

"Not that long. All that matters is getting to know her. I'm not going to sleep with her." I cross my arms. "When have you been known not to sleep with a woman." I can admit 3 years after my wife died I became a whore. Now I don't sleep with anyone. It's been 2 years now.

"It's been years now man. I'm not here for a hookup." I roll my eyes at him and put on my belt. "You walking down to breakfast with me or?" I ask. "Sure but please don't piss on Carly's sister. I'm trying not to have her regret inviting my friends.

I chuckle and he rolls his eyes. We head out of my room and down to the breakfast area. Good things we have everything we need for a week. Not like the workers can kick us out.

Sitting there with her sister is the beautiful girl from last night. This time she has on a beautiful black dress that compliments her body. I internally groan. I should have dressed a little better. "Morning babe," Rickey calls to Carly.

They share a passionate kiss not caring who's watching. The woman looks my body up and down like she also wants to take my lips into hers. I smirk at her and sit down. "Morning gorgeous." I slide my hand on top of hers. "Morning Handsome."

She looks at my lips then licks hers. "Sorry about last night. I was being irrational and moving too fast." I rub the back of my neck nervously. "It's fine. We both kissed each other so I should take responsibility too." she looks at the bartender who brings her breakfast.

"What's that. It looks good." I smell the air then moan. "It's pancakes filled with everything you eat for breakfast except eggs." I lean close to her. "Can I get a taste?" I ask after she takes a small bite.

She looks at my lips and blushes. Then she takes a medium piece onto her fork. She holds her hand under it so it doesn't fall and puts it into my open mouth.

Shit, this is good! I bite my bottom lip then look at the bartender. "Get me what she's having." I point to the plate and she giggles.

She continues with her breakfast. "Didn't take you as the type to try something like that." she raises a brow. "It's good? Did you create it?" he asks.

"Yeah, I run a bakery and cook in my free time. I create new recipes," she says. Wow so she's not only beautiful but an amazing cook. "Maybe I should give your shop a little visit. By the time my food is in front of me, she's done with hers.

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