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I cry as my sister says I do to the man of her dreams. It's such a magical sight. If only I could find a love like that. Once I hit thirty last year my fiancee proposed. I thought he was the man of my dreams but that wasn't true.

He told me he stopped loving me a year into our 3-year relationship. I was devastated and gave him his ring back then moved to Cali to be closer to my family.

I'm done with relationships but I still have a little hope in finding the one. I mean I am getting older.

Once the bride kisses the broom everyone cheers. My sister Carly gets picked up by her husband Ricky and he walks her down the stairs. They disappear out the doors and everyone laughs.

After a few minutes everyone gets up to enjoy the food. I scroll through the videos on the phone. My sister is so happy and I'm happy for her too. I remember when these two first met a couple years ago. Now they are married with a baby on the way. I hold back the tears threatening to come out again.

I finally decide to get up and enjoy some food. I don't look up from my camera and someone runs into me. I drop my camera in the process. "Dammit." I groan then look up at the person who's bumped into me.

The most handsome man I've ever seen is standing before me nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." his husky voice says. He bends down to pick it up.

When he hands it to me I smile. It was my fault anyway I can't get mad at him. "It was my fault, I shouldn't have had my nose In the camera." he smirks at me. "It isn't broken is it?" he asks

"No. I think it was saved by your shoe." I giggle. "Yeah, gonna have to thank my shoe later."

"Hey we need to go get some cake before it's gone." another guy taps his shoulder. "Nice meeting you." he winks and I wave.

Once he's gone I make my way to the seafood in the back. "Hey, girl." Stella waves as I get closer. "Hey Stella." I give her a warm hug. Stella is a friend of mine from collage and close friends with my sister.

"Its so cold this year. Honestly I thought I wasn't going to make it to the wedding." she smiles. "I told my sister to have a summer wedding, but she insisted it be around the time Rickey and her met." I shrug my shoulders.

"They are so romantic." she gushes and I giggle. I start to make my plate when she snickers. "I saw you talking to Mr. Hottie." she winks. "Mr. Hottie?" I furrow my brows.

"Yes. I don't know his name but I do know he's the grooms best friend." she smirks "And he's hot."

I clear my throat. "He may be hot but I'm not looking for anything." I start to dig into my food without staining my dress. "Well if you won't then I will." I watch her walk towards the guy who I've just realized is looking at me.

Even when Stella goes to talk to him he has his eyes on me. Feeling embarrassed I turn back towards the table.

"Lilith sweetie." my mother calls walking over to me with my father in tow. "Mom." I force a smile. Now that she's here she's going to be nagging me to get married. "Isn't all of this just wonderful?" she looks around. "Yeah mom." I roll my eyes when she isn't looking.

"One day your wedding is going to look like this. Hopefully soon." she raises an eyebrow. "I'm not getting married!" I say for the millionth time.

"Sure you aren't." she winks. I sigh and put my plate down. "How have you two been? I haven't seen you in two months." I ask "Oh very great sweetheart. I just wish you would visit us more." she pouts. "I told you mother. I won't visit you until you get the idea of me being married out of your head."

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