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"I don't know mom I've been feeling sick lately," I explain. It's been a month now since my sister got married and I've been feeling terrible for the last three weeks.

I haven't gone to the doctor because it can't be as serious as It feels. I just need to rest. I've been overworking myself and that may be part of it.

After that horrible day of waiting on a phone call, I realized he would never really call me. I cried for 4 weeks straight. He was such an amazing man and I wanted to get to know him so bad. Unfortunately, he wasn't as amazing as I thought. I guess I was just another one-night stand to him.

After that 4 weeks, I ended up going out and having my first nightstand. The guy was good in bed but he wasn't the one that I wanted.

I still remember how it felt with him between my legs pinning me down. How possessive he was and how much he wanted my body. Maybe it was just a trick to get me into bed. It defiantly worked.

He got what he wanted and I was left heartbroken. I came out stronger because of it. Next time I see him I'm slapping him. "Maybe you are pregnant?" my mom says "Mom I haven't seen anyone in a month." which is a complete lie but I made that guy use a condom. I haven't needed to use my pill after that since I keep my legs shut from now on. I refuse to believe I'm pregnant though.

I walk into the living room and take a seat. "Well, I guess you can't be then. Maybe you just need some rest?" My mom suggests "Yeah starting now I'm taking off of work for a while." I sigh. "Good take a break and tell me when you decide to find a boyfriend." she says "Mom." I groan but she says I love you and hangs up before I get the chance to protest.

I don't need a guy for my life to be amazing. I roll my eyes and lay down on the couch. I get another phone call and groan. "Hello?" I speak "Hey sister. My baby shower is in 3 days. You still coming right?" she asks "Yes of course I'm coming. Why wouldn't I." I bought so much stuff she doesn't even need a whole party. "Well because I haven't heard from you in a while. I just thought you forgot," she says.

"No, I haven't forgotten. I've just been feeling sick lately." I tell her. "Well make sure you get some rest." my sister sighs. "Yeah I will." my sister hangs up and I'm left to sleep in my empty house.

3 days later

I feel so much better. I open my trunk and stuff all the baby stuff I bought into it. I can't wait till my sister's baby comes. I'm going to be the best aunty. "Is everything all set?" Alec asks coming out of my house with the big swing set box. I called him over and asked him to help me get all of this stuff into the car.

"Yeah. You should come with me, Alec." I smile. "I mean I guess I could." He rubs the back of his neck. "Then it's settled." I squeal handing him the keys "You can drive." I run around the car to the passenger's side.

"You only wanted me to come so I can drive," he smirks "That's not true. I roll my eyes. "I want you to come so you can hang out with me." I giggle. "Yeah sure," he smirks.

We both get into the car and he starts it up. "This is going to be one heck of a drive." he sighs.

We get onto the road avoiding traffic and making it past yellow lights.

Once we get there, there's are a bunch of people getting out of their cars with balloons and baby items. How am I going to fit all of this stuff into my sister's house?

I look over to Alec who shrugs at me. "We could leave all this stuff and ask someone else to get it for us." I nod "Good idea."

We both get out of the car and he hands me the keys. He places his hand on the small of my back and I smile up at him. Then we walk inside my sister's house. I'm greeted by family and close friends of my sister. I look for her in the big crowd.

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