Sakura's Rinnegan: Chapter 1

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Haruno Sakura was born during a ruthless roar of a tempest

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Haruno Sakura was born during a ruthless roar of a tempest. Lightning arced from the dark clouds converging overhead to strike the otherwise peaceful village below. The terrible storm mercilessly pummeled the marketplace, forcing desperate shopkeepers to hurriedly close their shops and flee before its wrath.

As if mimicking the oppressive atmosphere, she emerged to the world with a mighty howl, putting the thunderstorms to shame.

Drenched in sweat, a shuddering mess, Haruno Mebuki came to embrace her newborn the moment she was presented before her in a flash. Holding her tiny baby close, secured, safe and sound within her arms, Mebuki beamed in earnest, her emotions overflowing with affection and gratitude.

Then the baby came to peer up curiously, and the gratifying occasion grew to a halt.

The new mother gazed upon what shouldn't be there — and responded with a harsh resounding scream of bodacious horror, successfully alerting the doctor and nurses nearby.

All it took was one glance to mute them unmitigatedly. Eerie stillness thumped throughout the room before an unlimited uproar arrived to crash the silence.


"—not a myth?"

"—should alert Hokage-sama—"

Mebuki watched as each and every person tumbled, scattering everywhere as they would occasionally turn to look at her daughter as if—

As if her newborn was a deity.

She trembled in trepidation. Forcing herself to gaze down at her baby who was clamorously wailing now, Mebuki felt her heart pang at the sight. Little Sakura was frightened, distressed, by the sheer sound of cataclysm circulating on all sides.

The room started to spin. She ignored her husband's shouting and demands for an answer — even going as far as shaking the doctor's coat — she shut all the noises out, closing her eyes down.

She bit her lip until she tasted copper. Regarding the bundle in her arms, she was torn on whether to hold her tight or cast her away. 'What does it mean?' She found herself wondering, unaware of her own hands pressing the baby deeper against her chest, efficiently lulling her to sleep.

'What's going to happen to my baby?'

"—tify the ANBU on patrol," One of them insisted.

"Should we risk it? What if Hokage-sama—"

"It's not about whether we should or shouldn't, we mustn't hide anything from him!" The doctor hissed, outraged and downright disturbed by the thought of betraying their leader.

"...but how could this happen, Koushi-sensei? This is... this has to be a miracle,"

Another round of silence launched across the room.

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