13- Draco Malfoy

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TW: Drowning, depression

Song: Line without a Hook (Ricky Montgomery)


I don't really give a damn about the way you touch me
When we're alone
You can hold my hand
If no one's home

Y/n snuggles deeper into Draco's chest, eyes closed in content, as he rubs circles into her upper arm, lightly humming under his breath to her.

Without opening her eyes, she reaches over for his hand and closely holds it in her own. He flips his hand over and interlaces their fingers, smiling down at her.

He pauses his soft hums to gently kiss the top her head, his heart swelling at the sight of his girlfriend seemingly happy.

As soon as they hear the entrance to the Slytherin common room opening, Draco pulls away from her, sliding to the other side of the couch while she looks over at him with a hurt expression.

He pretends to have been conversing with her and says, "-so I went to the- Oh, hello Zabini," Draco nods over to his friend who walks in with Pansy Parkinson.

"Hey, Mal-"

"Hi, Dray! Did you miss me?" Pansy asks, practically running over to take her seat beside the blond, just as quickly latching onto his arm and kissing his cheek.


She ignores his monotone comment and smiles over at her friend, not noticing her irritated expression. "How are you, Y/n?"

"I've been better," She answers truthfully.

Y/n and Draco agreed to hide their relationship for a few reasons. Y/n didn't want to hurt Pansy since she was her first friend, and Y/n knows how much it'll crush Pansy if she ever found out that her best friend was dating the guy she's fancied for years. Draco wants to hide it because he knows that he'll place her in danger if anyone found out about their relationship. The Dark Lord is back and is not afraid to use her to get to him or his family if he so chooses.

Of course, he couldn't tell her about his reason or what he does when he disappears for an hour every day, but she doesn't push him to tell her, and for that, he is extremely grateful.

"I've not been the best either," Pansy responds, going on to explain her day and complain about everything that annoys her. She usually only talks about herself, but Y/n doesn't really mind. At least it saves her from having to lie or accidentally let slip about her relationship.

Draco stands, not caring about Pansy's pouting, and goes upstairs, Blaise following behind him.

As soon as they get to their dorm, Blaise casts a spell to block others from hearing their conversation and uses another to prevent others from unlocking the door.

"Why'd you do that?" Draco asks as he walks over to his bed.

"I don't want anyone listening to the conversation."

"You're always so secretive," He teases, laying down on his back and staring up at the ceiling.

"Says you. Anyways, I've been meaning to talk to you about Y/n," Blaise takes a seat at the edge of his bed, staring over at his friend.

"What about her?" Draco asks nonchalantly, expertly keeping his true, nervous, emotions hidden. He's become an expert over the summer at putting up an emotionless front. The thought of it causes him to absentmindedly tug down on his left sleeve.

Blaise smirks a bit.

"She's pretty, don't you think? Prettier than last year."

"Really? I haven't noticed." He says sarcastically, Blaise throwing a pillow in response. Draco glares at him and hurls the pillow back at him.

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