(Letter) (Young) Regulus Black

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REQUESTED BY: CrankYmiranda , Soamij , and slyther-claw05


Good morning my love,

At least, I'm assuming it'll be morning when you receive this if that bloody owl isn't stubborn when I try to send this letter. If it's not morning, you know who to blame. I swear, that stupid bird can't do anything right even on a good day. I'd sell him if I hadn't grown attached, but I need you to hear this before something happens. I'd tell you in person if I wasn't sick, but, unfortunately, I am. I struggled to even get out of bed to get the parchment and I'm already dreading taking this to the owlery tonight, but I'd rather do this now and sleep in tomorrow than show up to the Great Hall looking like a complete disaster.

Anyways, I'll move on.

Right, we've been dating for a little over three now and my parents have just now found out about our relationship. To be honest, I'm surprised word didn't get to them sooner. Needless to say, I'd sell my mum too if she wasn't, well, my mum. My father, on the other hand, wants to actually meet you before deciding whether or not we're a good match. Like that's ever going to happen... Mother would kill you as soon as you step foot into the house.

I don't care about what she thinks though, you are so, incredibly perfect. I don't care that you're not a pureblood. I don't care if you're family isn't rich or esteemed. I don't care if you aren't top of the class in every subject. I don't care if my mother doesn't like you, because I do. I love you, Y/n. Who cares if you don't meet her standards? Nothing she says or does will ever dissuade my decision to love you.

Y/n, you are so special to me. I never thought someone could ever consume my thoughts and my entire being, but you... You strolled into my life completely unassuming and innocent and left me completely enamoured and longing for you and only you. In the past, girls have tried to hold the same effect you have over me, but they've all failed. I've never fallen so hard for someone as much as I have for you. I can't help how my heart feels, but I can control what I do with those feelings. I am not letting you go.

I know my mother. I know what she's going to do. She's going to try to break us up. She's going to try to manipulate me. She's going to threaten you. She's going to fight tooth and nail until she gets her way. She always gets her way, so she's going to go ablaze with fury when she doesn't get what she wants this time. She can't stand not being in control, so, she goes to the extremes. No matter what she does, I promise you, my heart is yours. I am yours.

You've probably seen the letters I've been getting. You'd be blind if you didn't see her owl swoop in day after day baring letter after letter, each one with some sort of message, whether pleading or threatening. Her troubles already started and I wouldn't be surprised if she starts raining her fury down on you sooner rather than later. I'll show you what she's written. You can probably already assume the variety she's sent already. The first ones are pleading with me to be her "perfect boy again" and to "come home with [my] reputation intact." The more recent ones have been her claiming that she'll burn me off the family tree like she's already done with Sirius if I don't "get my shit together and dump that..." you know the word.

I'm done with her bullshit. She can burn me from the family tree. She can hit me and curse me and abuse me all she likes as long as I'm yours and you are mine. Let her throw a hissy fit. Let her scream and cry. Let her be furious. I'm done. I'd rather be worse than Sirius in her eyes than give you up. I love you. So, so much. I love you.

You are the beauty in my life. All things good and meaningful. Every wonder in the world. You are my everything. Not just my world, but my life. I hold you up on a pedestal. I want to idle you. I want to give you everything you could ever desire. I am ready and willing to do anything for you. Y/n, you are my personal angel. You are my obsession. You are my drug. I am addicted to you and only you. I want to be with you until death do us part. I know we're young. I know we have the rest of our lives ahead of us, but I can't picture a future without you in it. I need you. I want you. I am willing to give up everything to stay with you.

I am completely and truly in love with you, Y/n, and I will not give you up. I am fully prepared to do anything for you. I will give up the life I've lived. Every luxury. Every title. Every connection to the Black family name. I will give all this up if it means we can be together.

Do not let my mother sway you from me. Do not let her threats and poisonous words corrupt your mind. If she takes you away from me, she will not be my mother anymore. Yes, she may have given birth to me, but that doesn't mean she's my mother. A mother loves, nurtures, and supports their child. My mother has shown me kindness and love until now. She is trying to sink her manipulative claws into me to try and rip us apart, but that is never going to happen and she will have to accept that if she wants to continue being my mother.

I love you with my entire heart. I will never stop loving you. I hope you never stop loving me. I need your love and affection. I desire all of your attention. I crave all of you. Your mind. Your body. Your heart. I want you to need me the way I need you.

This might be my fever talking, but I want to run away with you. I want to escape everything going on right now and take you with me. I want to finish this year, graduate, pack what I need, then take you with me away from here. Away from the war. Away from danger. I don't know where we'd go (although I have been considering Iceland more than most other countries), but anywhere would be wonderful with you. What I do know is that I want to marry you someday when I know we're safe and cut out any judgement from our lives. I want to marry you. I want to live in a small house, secluded from society, and start a family. Not immediately, but when we're ready (we are only 17, after all). I don't want you to give up everything for me, of course. You have your own family and friends. Your own thoughts and opinions. I know this is all sudden and crazy, but it's how I feel right now with a delirious mind and a heart full of love for you.

I'll end this letter now and let everything settle in. It's a lot to suddenly spring upon you, but I just can't keep everything to myself anymore. Besides, I'd rather admit everything to you now before you have any doubt about my love.

Entirely yours,


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