Gojo smirked at the last comment, shooting ___ a smug grin.

"Oh, I'm into younger girls, alright.." he purred lowly. "Wouldn't you agree, my little kōhai?"

___ grimaced and pinched the boys ear, making Gojo yelp in pain.

"That doesn't sound very appropriate, Gojo-senpai. Watch your mouth." ___'s eyes shifted towards Riko, gesturing for her to come, away from the swarm of girls that fawned over the white-haired boy.

"Riko, we have to go." Urgency laced in ___'s words, Riko felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise as goosebumps littered her skin. As soon as she ran close towards the duo, Gojo carried ___ over his shoulder as he gripped onto Riko's uniform, dragging her like how a cat would with her kitten.

"Gojo-senpai! Put me down! I can run by myself!" ___ slammed her fists on his back, only to feel the prickling vibrations of his infinity.

"Just hold on tight, butterfly." Gojo leaped towards the roof of the chapel, hopping between buildings till he was out of the school grounds. Landing on a nearby roof, Gojo patted the back of ___'s thigh.

"We've got some company."

Hearing the automated voicemail for the third time, Geto clicked his tongue in annoyance. Why weren't they answering their phones? So he ran, sending out his cursed spirits to scout for ___ and Gojo.

"Master Geto! You're much faster than me, so please go find them! I'll handle the rest here!" Kuroi said, clutching her broom. Without a second thought, Geto nodded and ran ahead.

"Damn! I didn't consider the importance of Kuroi to the enemy.." Geto hissed, bringing a hand over his face in shame. "I'm sorry, it's my fault that Kuroi got taken as a hostage."

Gojo shrugged it off nonchalantly, giving him a wave of his hand.

"It's not that big of a deal, right butterfly?" Gojo turned towards ___, who stood beside him motionless with half-lidded eyes.

"Don't worry Geto-senpai, I have one of my spiders attached to Kuroi so I can track her down." ___ replied, twirling her finger around to wrap the thread attached to her spider while she watched through the eyes of the insect.  "They haven't gone too far."

Riko felt herself become disgusted at the word spider being mentioned, grimacing as she took a step away from ___ who looked at her in confusion.

"You have pet spiders?" Riko asked, causing ___ to laugh.

"Pretty much. I also have five spiders attached to you." She was lying, she only had two attached but it felt nice to mess with the girl.

"Ew, ew, ew! Get them off of me!" Riko swatted at her body, stomping her feet as she attempted to get rid of the spiders that crawled through her clothes. ___ let out an amused hum. The spiders were hiding in her headband, not her clothes, but she didn't need to know that.

"Alright! Since we have the upper hand, we can just ambush them." Gojo clapped his hands together before pulling ___ and Geto into his arms. "Adds that element of surprise, you know? They'll never see it coming."

"Unbelievable." ___ pushes the boys arm away and tugs on the spider thread, jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

This was going to be a piece of cake, ___ thought.

And it was.


With a soft smile, ___ watches as Gojo and Riko run towards the sea eagerly, the white-haired boy immediately spotting a sea cucumber and shoving it into Riko's face who only laughed at the mere frivolity of its appearance. ___'s heart warmed up at the scene, giggling behind her hand.

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