"Sure, so Dre after the local competition, what's next?"

"The state competition and after the finals, but the state first"

"Cool and when is that coming up?"

"Probably, weeks from now"


"We should getting going, it's getting late" Chloe said.

"Yeah" I replied.

I cleared the dish and we all greeted Mrs Charlotte before leaving.

The next day after lectures, I asked Tianna to wait up so we could leave together, but she didn't. I hurriedly followed her and stopped her.

"Wait a little" I said catching a breath.

"Cindy, I need to discuss something with you"

"And what could that be?"

"Cindy, the relationship between us. Our friendship has to end"

She said it and my mood changed immediately.

"But why?" I asked feeling concerned.

"I don't like the friends you move with, Dre, Mike, and Chloe. You should know who Dre is and the type of friends he has, and Chloe, she's just not good"

"You can't judge that way when you don't know people, Chloe is a good person, she just has a shady past she's trying to overcome within her."

"What about Dre and his friend, Cindy you know who they are?"

"Yes I know, but people change"

"Cindy, you would be sick if you really think Dre and his group of friends will change"

"So you're just going to cut our friendship because of them?"

"Not just because of them Cindy, because you choose to associate with them knowing fully well who they are and soon you will be bird of the same feather"

"Who I go with don't necessarily mean who I am"

"But it is what people describe you as"

"So that's it, the end of everything?"

"It might not totally be the end if you would quit those rascal to save our friendship"

"It has been nice knowing you, and I would never say I regret times spent with you, I just hope one day you would learn not to judge people that easily and also believe that people do change for good. And if we ever cross paths again, I would still be grateful. Take care Tianna" I said and left.
The next day, we went to visit Chloe's sister but it's seemed like she wasn't at home.

"It doesn't look like anyone is at home" Dre said .

"Hello, anybody home?" I said

"You just sounded like a cartoon" he said and I giggled.

"I think we should check the courtyard" Chloe suggested.

"Sure" Dre said.

We moved to the back and found her in the courtyard playing with her grand pink piano. She was backing us and she didn't know we were there.
She was playing the elementary solo of a song titled (Auld Lang Syne).

We were at her back watching her play. I could see so much joy she derived from it. When she was done, she was interrupted by my clap, I didn't even know when I applauded her.

"Nice one" i complimented.

"Hi" Chloe said.

"Hey" she said with a warmth smile giving Chloe a hug.

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