Chapter 13

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Isobel's POV

I woke up, Harry sat on my feet, Zayn Louis Liam Niall and Hannah were still asleep. I sat up. "Morning Haz" I mumbled, stretching "Afternoon Izzy" He replied, smiling "Wanna go get something to eat?" "Yeah... What day is it?" "Christmas Eve why?" "I need to go shopping" I replied, sliding out of bed and absentmindedly picked up a pair of Zayn's boxers, my skinny jeans and a Ramones t-shirt im guessing i nicked off Harry, I walked into the bathroom to change, singing sleepily to myself. I heard a light chuckling from outside the door, I opened it fully to see Zayn stood there "You're waring my boxers" he stated, I nodded, pulling on my skinny jeans. "Louubearrr?" "Yesss IzzyKinss?" "Can i borrow a pair of TOMS most of my stuff's been hidden" I said, looking at Zayn. Louis Nodded and walked out the room, Hannah stirred in her sleep and sat up. "Afternoon Hannah!" I said, smiling, pulling on my slightly over-sized denim jacket. "Zayniee.. Can you fasten this for me?" I asked, holding a promise bracelet Liam gave me. He nodded and fastened it, "Hazza's taking me for lunch" I said "You okay with it?" Zayn tensed a little, "Yeah its fine" he replied, walking to the bathroom "Nice t-shirt Izzy" "I know, its yours Hazza" I smiled, I hugged everyone bye and said i'd see them in a few hours, except for Zayn, he was in the shower, i knocked on the bathroom door "BYE ZAYNIE, LOVE YOU" I shouted so he'd hear me. "Bye Isobel..." He replied. I shrugged mentally and walked with Harry to the Lift, we waited a while. "C'mon" he said, going to grab my arm then grabbed my hand, we ran down the  stairs and reached an empty lobby. Harry let go of my hand "Ring Hannah, so it doesnt look suspicious" "Okay" I flicked through my phone contacts and rang Hannah ( "HanBan HoranB;) ---- Niallers GF" ) "Yeeah?" "Just talk to me about anything, the Paps" "Oh yeah"  "So any plans for today?" "Nope just a day in with three funny guys and your edgy boyfriend" "oh" "Yeah"  "So what do you want for christmas?" "I have everything i want with me" Hannah replied "What do you mean?" "My bestfriend, an amazing Boyfriend and four amazing people" I smiled at her response "Aw Hannah you're so sweet" I said. "Is Zayn out of the shower yet?" I added "Yah, he's sat on the kitchen counter singing a song you love" "Go into the kitchen?" soon enough i heard Zayn's angellic voice singing "Iris" - GooGoo Dolls. I smiled "Aw he sounds like an angel." I said. "Zayn Isobel says you sound like an angel" "AW THANKYOU IZZY" he shouted, I laughed. Harry looked over at me and mouthed "You can hang up now" I nodded. "HanBan i'll speak later my phone's gonna die" I lied "Okay Is, talk later" she replied, i hung up and put my phone in my pocket. We walked into Starbucks. I sat at a table while Harry ordered, he knew what i wanted because the only warm drink i can stomach is hot chocolate, He sat down with two drinks and two cookies. I thanked Harry and took a drink of my drink. Mmm.. White chocolate hot choc..... Harry looked at me, laughing "You like it huh?" "Yeah" I said, putting a piece of cookie in my mouth. "So who's this friend thats coming over to america for New Year?" "She's called Shannon, she's in year 9" "13?" "Yeah" I replied. "I haven't spoken to her in a while though" I sighed, slumping in the seat i was in "Aw, why?" "Because i got drunk and accidently told her i loved her, then ran away" "Oh.." "Yeah" I put my head in my hands, looked up at Harry and put on a fake smile "The thing is, she seems alright with it but i couldn't bring myself to talk to her" "I understand" Harry leaned on the table, looking at me, sympathy in his eyes. "I was like that when i told Louis i liked him... But we finally discussed it and it was mutual." I nodded slowly "Thats why she's coming here New Year" There was a silence, a comfortable one. "Isobel, i'm gonna ask you a question, and whatever the answer may be i wont judge you, okay?" "Okay" "Are you gay?" Harry asked, his face serious. I started laughing, I couldn't help it, he looked really serious and it was cute but hilarious. "N-No I-I'm B-Bi" I spluttered while laughing. "whats so funny?" "Your- Your fa-Face" "What?" "S-Seriousness.." I choked, a smirk spread across Harry's lips "Cheeky!" He said, pulling a hurt look. "So you're Bi?" he added. I took a breath. "Yeah, I'm Bi" I replied once i'd calmed down "Cool..." "Why?" "Its just i dont know, you just seemed Gay?" "Oh thanks" I pretended I was offended. "I know, i act it alot." I looked out the window. "Oh. My. God." "What?" "Is that Christofer Drew from Never Shout Never!?" I fangirled "Wh-.. Yeah it is!!" Harry fanboyed. We sat there fangirling/boying, "Wait. WAIT, I think he knows about One Direction" Harrt said. "OH MY GOD" I screamed, fangirling "Calm down.. C'mon lets go say Hi!!" Harry stood up, so did I. We walked to Chris. "Christofer?" Harry said "Ye-.. Are you Harry Styles?" "Yep" "and this is...?" Chris asked, looking towards me "A fan of you" "Hi!" Chris smiled "Hi Chris" I said, suddenly going shy. He pulled me into a hug. "So whats it like hangin with the 1D Boys...." "Isobel" I said "Whats it like hangin with the 1D boys, Izzy?" "Stressful, but i have my bestfriend too, so all's cool" "Here" Chris handed me "What Is Love?", "Harmony", "Time Travel", "Indigo" and his un-released album "Sire" all signed "Don't lose them" He said, I thanked him, gave him a quick hug and said goodbye and walked away, I was buzzing. I fangirled as soon as we stepped out of Starbucks "Callllmmm" Harry said, smiling. "I'm calm" I said, we shopped around for a bit. I got christmas presants.

Liam; A plaid shirt and a camera.

Louis; a new pair of TOMS, a beanie and "Scars and Stories" The Fray's newest album

Niall; a £/$4000 voucher for Nando's, Some guitar picks and some horror films

Zayn; some hair products, a dog tag with "ZJM" engraved in it

Hannah; a few posters, a necklace and chocolate

Harry; 3 beanies, a Jack Wills hoodie and a dog tag with "HESC" engraved in it (After asking for his permisson to have the 'C' engraved)

We arrived back at the hotel, my arms were aching. I dropped the bags by the door and looked for Zayn "ZAYNIE HONEY I'M HOME" I shouted, still hyped about meeting Chris Drew. "IZZYYY!!!" He shouted, running to me, picking me up, spinning round. I screamed, laughing. "ZAYN PUT ME DOWN" I screamed. He put me down and kissed my forehead lightly "Have a nice day?" "Yeah" "Good.. Ooh shopping!" "Noo dont looook" "Why?" "Because" "oooh" Zayn giggled childishly then ran back to where he came from. I hid the presents behind the Freezer. "Niallerrrr... Make me something to eat I'm starving" I crawled dramatically into the kitchen then collapsed, laughing. "What do you want?" "Whatever your making" "Bacon sandwiches alright?" "Perfect" I said, standing up, sitting on a breakfast bar stool. "Here" Niall placed a plate infront of me. "2 sandwiches Niall!?" "Eat it or you go home missy" "Okay" I sighed and slowly ate both the sandwiches "Good good" he smiled. I nodded then walked into the living room "Whatcha watching Liii?" "Disney Chanel" "Can i sit?" "Sure" he said, curling his legs so i could sit next to him, "You're like my little sister" "Really?" "Yeah" "Hello Big Brother LiLi" I said. He chuckled and hugged me.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep. 

Liam's POV

Isobel fell asleep, her head resting on my knee. She started to move around, I pulled her into my lap and tried to wake her. She had tears on her cheeks and she kept mumbling something over and over. "Isobel, wake up" I said quietly. "Isobel? It's me, LiLi"  She opened her eyes slowly, looking at me "I had a bad dream" she mumbled "Its okay... No'one's gonna hurt you" I reassured. Zayn walked in. "Why's she crying?" "Another bad dream" "Oh.. You okay Izzy?" "I'm fine now i think" she breathed and smiled weakly. Her phone rang, she got up and walked out, answering the phone.


So heres chapter! Hope you enjoyed it x

Love all my readers tbh, thanks for reading this story so far, I really hope you all like it, you'll have to excuse the spelling i'm too lazy to edit it

The dog tag for Zayn and Harry is on the side, its that style anyway :)

Stay perfect!<3

-Isobel xxxx

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