Chapter 2

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Zayn's POV

It was a sunny afternoon, I should be happy, but im not. I feel lonely, like i have no'one. I hate being in a 5 member band, but i love these boys. We have a few weeks off and we're staying at Harrys step-dad's bungalow. I'd been sat outside for about half an hour and began to get tired, I let my eyes close and fell asleep.

Liam's POV

I love being around Niall, he's so cute, He loves a good laugh and he's just amazing.. "LIAM LETS WATCH TOY STORY!!" I heard a familiar Irish voice snap me out of my daydream "Okay then Niall!" I shouted back, even though he was sat next to me. He had already gotten up and was putting Toy Story on when I'd replied. Toy Story's one of my favourite films. Niall practically skipped back to me, and said something to himself, his Irish accent thicker than usual. I giggled unintentionally. His accent was adorable.

Niall's POV

Liam James Payne is an Angel, seriously. He loves to see people smile. AND HE LOVES TOY STORY!! I laid snuggled up to Liam, watchin Toy Story for the 18th time that week, its only Wednesday. I heard Liam's soft snoring and decided to go onto twitter and see how eveeryone was doing

I tweeted:

"Chillin watching Toy Story and @Real_Liam_Payne has fallen asleep, lazy!! haha how is every1?"

then my mentions went crazy, Liam stirred in his sleep. 

@ItsSimplyPaula: @NiallOfficial @Real_Liam_Payne Tweet a picture!?xx

I replied : @ItsSimplyPaula @Real_Liam_Payne Sure!!

I took a photo of Liam sleeping, posted it and tagged him in the post

"Look at this beautiful angel sleeping. Haha! @Real_Liam_Payne"

I replied to a few more fans and followed a few. I was about to wake Liam up to tell him the film had finished when I saw a tweet with me tagged in it. It was a girl, called hannah, arguing with a hate account. The tweet that caught my eye was;

@hannahwbuu: @Hate1D @NiallOfficial Niall is PERFECT. So what he has braces? I think they're actually pretty cool!! -- If you see this Nialler, we love you+we always will x

I scrolled through the arguement. This Hannah girl appeared to be really protective, but I dont mind that.

I tweeted her: @hannahwbuu Thankyou for that, you are truly amazing!! There should be more people like you around xx 

I followed Hannah and scrolled through her tweets. I stopped to read a Retweet she had made, it read

"I love One Direction.. They dont know how they have changed my lives. I just wish they'd know how much I love them:(" The tweet was made by a girl who was either called Isobel or Ginny. I decided to reply to her, she really seemed to be a nice kid. I said: "Chin up hun, we love you too and i'm glad we have fans like you, SMILE:) xx" and then I woke Liam up and asked him to follow both Hannah and the Isobel/Ginny person.

Life's A Bitch But We Can Do This // OneDirectionWhere stories live. Discover now