Chapter 7

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Zayn's POV

I woke up feeling.. refreshed. I walked to my bathroom and had a quick shower. Something isobel told me kept playing on my mind. "Zayn. I'm scared. That i'm gonna do something stupid like kill myself. It's all too much. My mum has a doctors appointment straight after she finishes work so she wont be home today until late. But with her kicking my Dad out im not sure if she'll be back tonight" I got dry and dressed just leaving my hair, I was drained. My ringtone blared through from the kitchen. I answered it, it was paul "You do answer your phone then. We have an interview in an hour incase you forgot, DON'T be late" "Okay paul, Byee" I ran upstairs to sort my hair out. I really wasn't feeling it today. I walked back downstairs. I put my phone on silent and texted Niall "Hey man, have you heard from Hannah or even spoke to her? I havent 'cause I've been in a world of my own since we met them. Meet me before the interview -Z x" My phone buzzed "Hey Zayn, Nope i've not had time really. Will do -Ni x" I walked to the building where our interview was as it wasnt too far away from my house. The Pulse Radio. I remember listening to that when i was in school, well on the way home. I waited in the carpark(Parking Lot for americans:) ) for Niall. "ZAAAYYYYNNNNN" i heard a shout, i looked over in the direction of the voice expecting fans, nope, Niall. Running from Liam's side to me. "NIIIIAAALLLLLLLL" I shouted back, running to him. (A/N --- OMFG ZIALL MOMENT MAYBE ZAYN WONT BE ALONE :D XD ) We hugged breifly. "what did you wanna talk about?" Niall asked, smiling. "uh, come to mine later? i cant really talk while the rest of the boys are within earshot. uh" "Okay!" Niall ran back to Liam and i stood there, confused. I shrugged and followed Niall. I glanced at Harry who was watching me walk with a frown on his face. Liam didn't seem happy. I shrugged again. Well im sorr-y Mr Payne but Niall isn't just yours. I smirked. Paul looked at me. I shrugged AGAIN. We walked into the building and were directed to where the interview was taken place. we stood at the five microphones that were lined up. it went; Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall, Me. I zoned out for most of the interview wondering how Isobel was. There was a 4-song break and i checked twitter, I saw what Isobel's step-cousin had posted through her twitter. I nearly threw up. Why was she in hospital? What had happened?

The rest of the interview dragged.

Interviewer: "Zayn, what are you thinking about right now?"

Me: "Something a fan told me."

I: "who was this fan?"

M: "Isobel i believe her first name was"

Niall shot me a look, frowning.

I: "And what did Isobel tell you?"

Z: "I'd rather we didnt discuss what she said"

I: "Okay, how do you knowher?"

Z: "Niall and I met her and her friend, Hannah, In starbucks on saturday"

I: "Sounds nice"

And i zoned out again. the interview finshed after 30 minutes after the interview asked me the questions. I walked out, infront of the boys. Making my way to our bus station. Niall followed me, the rest of the boys must have gone with Paul. I got on the bus and so did Niall. I sat at the back, put my head against the window, making sure i had my sunglasses and hood pulled up, and cried. Niall sat next to me. He just sat there, watching me. By the time we'd got back to Huddersfield it was raining like crazy. I got off the bus and ran, I wasnt sure where abouts the entrance to the Hospital was, so i just ran, looking. After a while I found the entrance, I slowed to a walk just incase any fans were there, steadied my breathing and put on a half smile. I walked in and asked the receptionist where Isobel was, i walked with the direction's she gave me and came to the room she was in. I opened the door. I froze. I scanned the room. Hannah, two people who i guessed were Sophia and Steve, a pale but peaceful Isobel laying on the bed, tubes and whatever else everywhere and a heart-rate monitor. Hannah looked at me, then past me. Someone nudged me. I walked towards the bed and then saw it was Niall who'd nudged me. I sat in the chair next to the bed and just stared at Isobel

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