Chapter 20

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  • Dedicated to Hannah Boswell

A/N-- 10 more chapters !!:')

This is dedicated to my bestfriend; Hannah, if you read this, stay strong okay?<3 xx


Harry's POV

I woke up to Louis throwing random objects at me. I pulled the cover over my head "A little longer, please.." I groaned. "NO GET UP LAZY" I heard a scream and someone land on my bed "STYLES GET UP NOW!" the cover was pulled off me. I opened my eyes and strained to see a hyper 16 Year Old. "Mooorrrnnniiiinnnnggg HARRYYY" she squealed and hugged me "Morning Isobel?" I said and sat up, "What have you been eating?" I said, frowning, Louis skipped out the room whisteling "Louis gave me pepsi and some candyfloss from the funfair in the village!" she giggled and played with my hair, "Fluffy, like candy floss" she started giggling again. I pushed her off the bed "Let me get changed" "No" "Fine i'll just change while you're in here" "Fine" What is she playing at? I shrugged and changed. There was the sound of the blackberry camera and then giggles. I turned my head to face Isobel, she was holding her phone infront of her face and giggling, I quickly finished changing and jumped on her. "DONT POST IT ON TWITTER!!" I shouted, She jumped off the bed and ran downstairs "HANNAH HANNAH QUICK" she shouted, I followed her. Hannah was holding Isobel's phone and looking at isobel "ho- wh- TWEET IT NOW!" Hannah started typing something and then handed the phone back to isobel. My phone buzzed

From: Twitter

@Direction__One_ Look at Harry's sexy bum ;) haha! @Harry_Styles I got youu xo *picture link*

 I stared at Isobel, frowning. "AWW HARRY'S BLUSHING!" she shouted then ran past me and outside. "ISOBEL GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE NOW!" I chased her down the road and into a shop. "Have you seen a girl abou-" "Are you Harry Styles?" A girl asked, looking up at me"Uh.. Yeah.. Uh.." "Cool! Hi! I'm Rayne" "Uh.. Hi Rayne.. Have you seen a girl about so tall, blonde hair, glasses, one direction t-shirt, varsity jacket and cream skinny jeans?" "Isobel? Yeah she's at the back of the shop, i'll show you" Rayne laughed and took me by the arm. We walked to the back of the shop, Isobel hadn't seen us so I took the oppertunity to sneak up behind her and pick her up. "GET OFF- Oh hi Harry..?" I laughed "Hello Isobel" I walked out of the shop, Carrying Isobel with me. 

Isobel's POV

(Later on)

"Sophii when are you next coming here?" I asked, my phone pressed to my ear, lying on the grass staring at the clouds "Probably next year.." "Well the boys are going on tour soon and we'll be in aberdeen so i'll ask if you can tag along?" "Are you sure?" "Of course i am girl!" I laughed. "Well I'm not sure Steve'll enjoy it but-" she screamed mid sentance then everything went quiet. "Sophii? Sophia? Soph?..." My voice cracked, the other end of the line going dead and the call ended. I stood up and ran inside. Liam saw me first and hugged me tightly "What's wrong?" I just stood in Liam's arms, sobbing but no tears came out. "Isobel.. Talk to me?" He stood back from the hug, picked me up and carried me upstairs when i refused to move. He placed me on my bed and knelt infront of me. "Isobel, talk to me, whats wrong?" "S-Sophia.. She... I.." I curled up. "Isobel.. If you need to cry, let yourself cry properly.." Liam said, taking my hand in his and running his thumb over my knuckles "And when you're ready, tell me what happened.." I stared at Liam blankly. He just managed to keep an even smile, worry filling his eyes. I rolled onto my back, pulling my iPod from my pocket I found my MemoWriter App and wrote

I was talking to Sophii and she was walking back from college and she was crossing the road.. She was half way through her sentance when she screamed, there was the sound of a car hitting something and everything went quiet then a few seconds later the phone line went dead and my phone automatically hung up...:'( Liam I dont know what to do, I cant cry theres nothing there, I've cried far too much already... I'm gonna go for a walk, see you in a bit x

I gave Liam my iPod and practically ran out of the house, I texted Louis, Harry, Niall, Zayn, Hannah, Ariana, Emma and Shannon saying i was going for a walk and that i'd see them in a while and then put my earphones on and walked my usual route and making a little detour so i was going the long way home.

When I got back Taylor said we had to go to the studio. I fixed my hair and attempted to fix my makeup but ended up taking it off and just going natural. The car ride to the studio was quiet, we recorded the two songs. It was starting to get late and I was starting to fall asleep in the chair. "C'mon sleepy" Harry laughed. "Want carrying?" Zayn offered I nodded. Zayn carried me bridal style to the car and had to fasten me in because I didn't have the energy. I fell asleep with my head on Zayns shoulder.

I woke up in my bed alone. I sighed and stared at the ceiling and listened to my Justin Bieber playlist. Hannah walked in and sat on my bed. "Liam told me what happened, have you heard from her since?" I shook my head, rolled my head and screamed into my pillow. I rolled back over and rolled into Hannah, who'd moved further up and was frowning. "Are you sure you're okay?" I shook my head and sat up. Hannah pulled me into a hug. "Its okay to cry you know, it means you've too strong for too long"she pulled from the hug, looking at me "C'mon get dressed and i'll get Niall to take us shopping" she smiled I nodded "can Liam come?" "Sure" she walked out the room. I got up and changed into a pair of washed out blue jeans and a grey hoodie, I tied my hair up and put several grips in holding my fringe in. I put these bracelets on ( and walked downstairs "Ready?" Liam asked, smiling. I nodded. "Nice bracelets!" Niall commented, I laughed and shook my head, we walked to the car.

The car ride was funny. Niall started laughing for no reason, Liam put the radio on and Live While We're Young was playing, Hannah and I started dancing and singing. When we got to town we all got out of the car laughing. I pointed to Nando's and Niall ran off "Well.. We'll meet you girls here, Have fun!" Liam shouted and ran off after Niall. I fell over the edge of the pavement and sat there laughing. "Get up!" Hannah helped me up and we walked around shopping for a while.

"Stay here" Hannah said before walking off in the direction of a jewelry store.


I'm gonna have to leave this chappy here, sorry guys i really wanted to update before I slept because i'm just that nice okie, bye guys :*

-Isobel xxx

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