Chapter 5

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Zayn's POV

I walked to Starbucks and waited for Niall. Soon enough I saw the Blondie-brown haired Irishman walk through Starbucks and straight to me "Zayn!" he said a little too loudly, everyone looked round. Good one Niall, good one. "Hey Niall" I smiled. He sat down. "What's up?" he quizzed, his blue eyes not leaving me until I answered. "Niall. Call me crazy, but I'm Jealous." I said, feeling weirdly pathetic. "Jealous? of who?" he rested his elbows on the table. Two fans walked over one wearing a blue jacket and had brown hair, the other wearing a denim jacket and had blonde hair. "Zayn? Niall? oh my god" Niall looked up. "Hello la-... Are you Hannah and that Isobel or Ginny girl?" "Isobel" I corrected him. Hannah looked at me, a slight frown on her face, I bet she's wondering How i know Iz's name. I smiled, Hannah's frown deepened. Isobel just stood there, smiling. Niall shuffled up and i decided to do the same. "Sit down?" Niall said, his eyes wandering from Isobel to Hannah and back again. Hannah sat next to Niall and Isobel sat next to me. Niall had seemed to forget about our convo.I've never seen him take to fans like that before.

Niall's POV

So me and Zayn were talking, and then these two beautiful fans walked over. Hannah and Isobel, the two girls I'd tweeted the night before. I felt like screaming, they were beautiful, honestly. But Management says we cant date fans because we're not supposed to have official Girlfriends or some shit. I moved over and Zayn mirrored my action, Hannah, the brown haired girl, sat next to me, and Isobel, the blonde haired girl sat next to Zayn. "Drinks?" I said, sliding up so i sat on the back of the seat. "please" both the girls chorused then looked at eachother and laughed. Zayn smiled lopsidedly, half distracted by something else. "Okay!" I beamed. Okay maybe I'm overreacting but there's something about these two. They both wanted Hot Chocolate, Hm. I span to face the other way and climbed down from the back of the sofa chair, Zayn followed me. Instantly both girls started  talking, most probably about us. Once we came back with the drinks they were making up Imagines for eachother. Hannah had just finished saying hers for Isobel, i overheard the last part, I looked at Zayn who'd been listening to the whole imagine, he had a small smirk on his face. We climbed back into our seats. The girls were oddly silent. I turned to face Hannah, who was watching me contently out of the corner of her eye. "Hello there, beautiful. I believe we have met somewhere before, I am Niall Horan, and you. You must be Hannah Horan." I said, smiling. Hannah looked at me and laughed slightly "I'll be Hannah Horan if you want me to, Nialler" she said. I felt shy. Oh. I loved Hannah, but what can i do? I love both Hannah and Liam. I can love two people, right?

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