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That young albino could be seen staring at his boss in agape, completely floored at the words he just heard while the woman in question just smiled back at him. 

"Sorry, umm... can you repeat what you said?" He requested, shaking his head trying to listen more carefully this time.

"Out of 33.598.007 parallel universes, You manage to save 27.699.618 of them. it's more than just 2 out of 3, which is your target. And you've finished it in more less 4 years. Schnier, you've surpassed my expectation beyond my wildest dream" she giggled.

"I..."  okay, so he didn't hear wrong, "Right. So, I... passed?" he asked unsure. 

She rolls her eyes playfully but then snickers at his subordinate, "Congratulations, Schnier. You have earned yourself a ticket home"

Still stunned, disbelief of what he just heard, he didn't realize how glassy his eyes has become until droplets fall off his face. "I... I can go back? For real?"

"You won't be immortal, and you'll still have to finish off the numbers until your time runs out, but yes. You can go back to your family" she smiled warmly as she went to the crying albino's side.

ten years old by appearance, but Tsuna— no, Schnier, felt like he has aged thousand centuries or so. Every seconds he spent with his gaze locked to his monitor, the only way he can see his loved ones growing up with such longing eyes, In every give time while he watch his other self getting over up and down... The long wait has been a pure torture.

"Come on now, Try to held back your tears a bit longer. It'll be bad for your first impression" she teased whilst erasing the tears on the boy's cheeks who merely chuckle in return.

a smile slowly blooms on his lips as he bowed a bit, "I... thank you so much" he was genuinely loss at words, but it's not that he need to explain himself anyway, she understands. 

"This is not a good bye. But before you leave, I'd like you to remember one thing"

he slowly looked up. "It's okay to be selfish once in a while" she grinned again, "Don't repeat the history and try to have fun while it lasted, okay?"

'While it lasted' he repeated bitterly. But he cut his thoughts short, shoving the negativity to the back of his head. He'll be home soon, what's in the past wouldn't be matter anymore. 

He smiled, "Yeah. I'll make sure to have a lot of fun!" He grinned brightly.

"Atta boy~" She ruffles his fluffy hair with fondness, "Go now, Kyou has been waiting for you at the gate"

He gave her one last hug before departing with an enthusiastic wave. He didn't realize that she has slipped a gift into his pocket in the meantime. The young woman chuckled, getting back to her seat. She's going to miss that boy a lot.

smiling fondly at her own monitor, she stretched a bit, "Alright then, let's get his days interesting shall we~?" she began to type...


Meanwhile with Schnier, looking around at Hall of Gates he was not surprised to see the other 'white rabbits' shifting away from one gate to another. It has always been a like this, afterall being immortal, they don't really need that much of rest themselves, and there are so many universes that's in need of help. If anything, he still can't believe that his own universe falls into 'Anime' category, it was sureal.

"Yo!" The tophat guy grinned as he greeted his partner.

"Kyou-san" Glad that he finally found his friend, Schnier smiled. 

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