chapter 24

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Erin pov
So I have a tough spot, I already am head over heels for a guy, no wait 2 guys, but who is for me?
Max for once has it all figured out.

Me, I'm more confused than ever, although I am a sleep on a roof leaning on a guys shoulder, oh and guess what we kissed agiain and it was even more magical than before, so I'm so confused.

Even though I'm asleep.

America pov
It must be funny or something I wake up and find Erin on the roof asleep and Ethan is there too, wonder what will happen when I tell them they missed breakfast.

Max pov
I Can't believe what happened, Erin missed lunch,dinner, and now breakfast.

She must have it all figured out, and I over heard the
min the art room, was going to leave to get ready for lunch but she had him stay.

You can see the anger in some guys eyes, and even the girls too, but I am going to go on little dates with them all then I will eliminate some then a little longer date then I will go to the elite, but I already know who the one is.

Erin pov
I Dont know who I want as the one, but from the start I only picked them, and I guess I still pick both, I might be in the final 2 for a long time.

And earlier we woke up he talk to my mom, but was studder, then I got it, he used to be bullied.

That's why being with me made him feel special.

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