Chapter 35

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Rylen pov
"So, that's what its like to be you, I never saw life like that." Erin said

"Yep, and, well your the first person I've told." I said.

"Sorry I like just told you my life story."

"Its ok, it was like fiction, but it is better when you tell it."

"Yay" I sigh.

"Rylen I wish I could stay but I have a meeting, and you may of shared a secret, well hope you liked my secret place." she kissed my cheek goodbye.

we had our date in a tree house, we meet here every day at 3:45 and there are a lot of secrets we both have, we are like best friends that could be more.

The next morning

America pov
I wake up see its raining, and today is my anniversary and Maxon has no idea what i have planned.
I get ready as the rain is beating the window with the warm touch of the droplets and it gives me a good idea.

Im wearing my favorite blue dress that is Sparkley and goes into a silk layer that spreads to feathers I love it.

"Thanks for the lunch with a movie, but its my turn, don't question me mMaxon but we are going outside."

"Ok my dear, what ever you say" he says then kisses me.
I drag him outside like a little kid.

Not long after we get out there, I see max and amilia doing what we are.

Playing in the rain as the water drips down, they are even making out so much they didn't see us.

Maxon pokes me and says "mommas boy" I giggle then copy my son.

After a while Maxon drags me to the max and amilia.

"Max come here, I have an idea."
Max and Maxon walk near a bush.

I go to amilia and say "you know, they are planning us something special, so how about we do too"

she nods says "i can sing, you can play you violin?"

"Sounds great, I keep one outside in a bush for when I need a break"
She giggles and I grab my violin.

"I saw the guys coming back act natural" she nods and we sit down.

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