chapter 5

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I wake up in the hospital wing.

"What happened, was I out long,how long was I gone, is the baby ok, why am I so big, I love you maxon, I missed you so much, you can call me dear, because I am always yours."

"I love you to my dear and you weren't out long, we checked, your healthy and so is the baby, your jaw is broken, bit good now and your were stuck with the terrible aspen for 2 months, and they checked your brain and aspen somehow made your brain lost the whole time you were there, and yay, do you want the doctor to tell us the baby's gender, he did the test, but didn't tell me yet."

I nodded and Maxon called for the docter and so he told us.

"Okay, so you are bigger than normal for 2 months, because well, your having triplets, but it seems, the reason you don't remember anything is aspen drugged you, and your having two boys and a girl, but the girl might not make cause of aspen."

" Maxon, what did you do when I was gone."

"Well,i manly panicked and stayed in our room and visit lucy to make sure she is ok, but she is a reck and is only willing to talk to you."

Maxon ce in to kiss me and dr.ashyler interrupts "miss, you are on bed rest for a week."
"I don't care, I'm glad to be back!"

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