chapter 4

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I run into a rebel, but the rebel was unexpected, it was aspen.

" Well well well, what to we have here."

"Hi, well, aspen, did you kill Lucy's dad, l thought you loved her? You are engaged to her."

"Lucy dad found out I become a rebel, so I killed him, I don't love lucy, I um.... still love you, so time to show you."

Before I know it he is cuffing me and Maxon is running after us and aspen is way faster and now he is carrying me bridle style while I scream for Maxon and struggling to get out of aspens arms I see he lost Maxon, but I still scream for him, then I feel a kick in my stomach and remember I'm pregnant.
Oh joy.

Soon I'm in a dark room and I see that aspen is still here and he runs over and starts making out with me I struggle and then gets to my collarbone and that was to far so I got my leg free and kneed him in the groin making him get off of me. I got free, punch him in the face and took his gun and shot his leg and ran to who knows were.

I see my stomach is huge, and feel a scar on my face.

What in the world happened, how long was I gone.

Finally I see the palace and run faster, and out of breath.

Then a officer yells and Maxon comes running out and grabs me kissing me and I say I missed him and before I could ask how long I was gone I pass out in his arms.

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