Chapter 39

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Blue pov
Me and Zoey Are getting dressed for the special party we are hosting.

All of the guests will arrive after the party already starts,It is more of a get to gather in the great room. with a buffet.

Everyone is here but the special quests, and I can't wait.

Then the party goes on and we are all informed that the guests will be late.

Lynix and gear announced that they are getting married and moving to Carolina in the queens old house.

Zoey and Lynix made up their friendship and cherry wants back to being awful.

It has been forever and after all the talking at the get together we all got bored and sat at the tables and fell asleep, but not me, I still have hope that the guests will come any second.

After even more waiting a guard busted in the room panting, waking everyone up and startling me.
"The....the guests are here" he said still panting as the guests walk in.

Everyone's face went in shock, but no us few that knew.

I swear someone fainted seeing who the guests are, and my smile spread across my face like butter on toast.

Who do you think the guests are?

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