Chapter 30

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amilia pov

it was my turn to meet the royal kids. i meet amberly first then zachory, erin, maxon, america, and even damon (marlee and carters kid). so yes im nervous, and after we do the meet and greet its more party palnning and my group got americas family, and we arnt allowed to tell the other team, and they cant tell us theres.

so to meet the royals, i am wearing the best dress i have ver seen, its green, like emerold green and the top part is crusted with dimond jewels and the bottom flows like the ocean and fades from the green into a pretty blue, it is lovley, and by far my faverite.

I walk up to a big door that was purple and had a diamond door knob.

A guard lets me in and I see a pretty girl wearing a purple dress that is tight and well fitting that at the very bottom inch puffs out and makes a flow.

"Hello princess amberly" I curtsy but she says there's No need for that.

We started with small talk then turned to gossip, really reminds me of my little brother and sister, they love to gossip.

"So amilia I loved hanging with you and I hope to do It again sometime, I enjoy your company.

Damon didn't make much conversation and Erin and me both have a secret love for trains and I really want her as My sister And Zachary Loves me because I play all the games he likes and he wants to have a park date with me, so we can play around in the park, he is so cute.

All I have left is my meeting America and Maxon.

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