chapter 14

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Rylen pov
I'm Different Like I the sameme but no dirt in the hair, flour on shirt, marks that hurt for work, I feel new, fresh.

Having the maids around is weird and a little uncomfortable, but oh well.

Gear pov
Im not here for no princess, I here to get away, but it isn't working.

I made friends with Ethan but he is very jumpy. but I think it will take some getting used to here.

Ethan pov
Im Friends with gear.

But I'm nervous.

I was picked on.Even though I rich.

I'm a popular artist but I get picked on.

Art is my escape.

They put art stuff in my room, but later in going to check out the Art room. the princess is very pretty, but she will never like me. its like I have no reason to be here.

Umben pov
I am her to not let my brother win, i act all though and on his side but I'm not, I'm here to stop him and my family, they are southern rebels after the crown, I'm not, i hate my family.

Main boys
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