Chapter 41

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Blue pov
EveryoneIs so happy with there family's and im sitting all stiff like afraid of what my mom and dad will do, and sadly my sister has a broken rib, I see that the prison guards walk in and I loosen a little.

"May blues parents stand up" they ordered as everyone turned to look at them as they stand up slowly.

"Your are under arrest for beating of your children." my parents had no response as they walked away with cuffs on them.

Once they were gone I went up to my sister.

"Hey cinna, how are you, are you ok?"

"Yay, and I can't wait to work here, my life is free, our life is free."

I chuckled at my little sister. "and I want to get working on the art" she quickly added making the both of up bust out laughing.

"Hey blue, hey cinna, I heard you love your aunt and it turns out i know your mom and aunt from my childhood, lovely ladies, and when your uncle, well the one you never met died well before that you mom turned rebel like him-"

I cut here off even though she is queen "y knew aspen?"

I asked in shock. "yes sweetie I did, and I more than knew him, but that's beside the point, your aunt Quinn is here to visit that way you have more family here." I hugged America and whispered in her ear thank you than ran off to my aunt.

Amelia pov
Ienjoy my family being here and they seem to get along with the royals very well.

I was having fun and taking and being me when I saw a blond with rich curly hair leave the room. wanting to follow I exscued myself to the restroom.

I quietly followed the blond that I saw looks a little older about mid fourtys. she looked like someone I know but I couldn't put a finger on it.

After a lot of walking she goes into the library and shuts the dark wooden doors. I walk to the door and place my ear on it.

"I told you to win the crown, you are worthless, and what did I say, I said no friends, we can't risk our plan" a voice, which I assumed was the blond said.

"I don't love max I love the one else, and it's not our plan, it's yours." a voice that I matched with Cherrys said. there were some whispers I couldn't here then what sounded like a book being thrown so I ran off back to the party.

when i got back to the party i see that cherry is missing and so is that blonde that i think is her mom.

after a few minunites cherry and the blonde still arnt back, and i am not sure what to do so i walk up to her brother lance mark jacob the third.

i am sure it is her bother cause thay have the same bright green eyes and weirdly, the same nose. yet i know its him because she talked to me about him and it was the only talked we did that didnt envolve yelling or rudeness, that talk about him is how i know his name though.

"hi, uh lance right?"

i say reaching my hand out to shake his.

" yes, and who are you?" the 15 year old boy said cockily.

" i am a fellow selected of your sister" "so?" he said still annoyed. "amilia is my name" i said being friendly. " oh, um my sister told me a lot about you im letters, she really likes you, and any friend of my sisters is a friend of mine." friend, did he just say friend, and did his bad act just drop when i said my name, and wait did he say FRIEND?!?!

our conversation went on for a long time and when i lft my brother and sister went to talk to him.

cherry still is not back and im getting worried so i go to the one person i trust with this.
and that one person is the prince him self, max.

A little longer chapter
I saw how short they are and I'm trying to fix it
Is this better

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