45. The Elf and the Hunter

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"So this is her?" Aryya asked, "The woman who melted the Manticore Hunter's heart."

As Ethelston remained silent, Aryya smiled, patting him firmly on the shoulder. "I've seen the wound, and I too am completely uncertain on how she remains with us. Despite her fragile frame, she is surprisingly strong."

Ethelston nodded, his eyes turning towards the dark, mysterious eyes of his counterpart. "I will need your help in the coming few weeks, can I count on you and your men?"

Aryya frowned slightly as the question was posed towards her. A tone of offence could be heard as she said, "Absolutely, your coin is good and therefore, so are we. Though Ethelston, you know that you should never need to ask me this question. My men fight for your coin, I fight for you. We have been through too much together for me to turn my back on that."

"I thank you for your continued support, my friend. Please could you inform Jarendrud to gather the nobles in the hall; afterwards I'll need to discuss things with you. If indeed an army is coming, I'll need you and your mercenaries more than ever." Ethelston instructed.

"I'm not sure I like being your errand girl, though!" Aryya scoffed before chuckling and patting Ethelston hard on the back.

As Aryya excited the corridor, Ethelston gingerly opened the door into the incense-filled room. Carefully closing it behind him, he looked over to the bed to see the tiny frame of Erdudvyl lying in it. Watching the covers gently rising and falling in time with her breathes, a small sigh of relief forced its way out of Ethelston's mouth.

Each step he took carefully, edging his way forward to the seat by her side, causing as little noise as possible. Placing himself on it, he watched as she slept like a child as if she had not endured a night of pain and discomfort.

Sitting back, Ethelston did not know how long he would need to wait, but wait he would, as long as she needed to regain some strength.

"Ethelston?" a small croaky voice spoke from beneath the covers of the bed.

Almost instantly, Ethelston lowered himself to her side so they could see eye to eye. As he carefully stroked her dark midnight hair, he watched as her blue eyes seemed duller than usual and her pale face was almost a milky white. But as she smiled, the room seemed to fill with light and energy that Ethelston had not felt for some time.

"I did not think you would last the night," Ethelston said, his voice breaking with a tinge of excitement.

Erdudvyl did not move, but her eyes seemed to regain some of their glow as they focused on his. "I control the sphere of life; otherwise, I would not have even made it back from Lionmane."

"Who did this to you?"

As Erdudvyl moved slightly, she was in visible discomfort, her face scrunching with even the slightest twist. "The one you call Widow Maker, I have never seen anyone move with such cunning and poise."

"Sir Gervais Vanderbilt? But he was killed a few winters ago." Ethelston replied with concern.

"A Death Wraith now."

Ethelston's face turned away, briskly, "Shit! There has been no swordsman that lived as capable as he."

"Not even you, the mighty Manticore Hunter?" Erdudvyl chuckled painfully.

Ethelston smiled, happy to see her spirits were still positive. "Unfortunately, I would say that is true. His skills with the sword are renowned throughout all the realms of men. We will have to remain extra vigilant for his return. But what of Loldirr?"

"She has travelled north to gain ally's against Lionmane. Listen, Ethelston, you must prepare for what is to come. Emperor Arnaud is sending a reserve army direct to Ravenscourt. His mistress, Nimue, she worked out who Loldirr is, and they attempted to execute her." explained Erdudvyl.

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