42. A brush with death - Loldirr

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"Shit, shit, shit, shit!" Mumbled Loldirr as the glistening blade of the Shadow's Zweihänder swang violently towards her with exceptional speed.

Her quick reactions caused her to bulk back but not enough that the blade pierced her cheek like paper, leaving an extended cut below her eye and ear. Knocking her head back, Loldirr struggled to retain her balance as the sting of the slash drove her senses wild.

Blood soaked the soft snow beneath, the mixture of red blending into white would have been beautiful for some, but horrific for Loldirr, who knew she had to regain control before the next attack initiated.

Loldirr looked up at her hulking target; his dented scarred black armour was even more menacing than the last time they met. The feel of death, left by her opponent, lingered like a shadow and desperately attempted to claw its way back at her psyche.

Raising her sword high and steadying her stance, Loldirr did all that she could to bury the thoughts of fear, death and anxiety deep down and focused on the cold to detract from the humming pain emanating from her face.

She was a better swordswoman this time. Lord Edric was a great teacher, but while there were similarities between Edric and Ethelston's training style, Ethelston's unconventional and well-travelled swordsmanship seemed to agree with her more. Last time, she brushed death, this time she would be ready.

The Shadow pushed his way forward and swang at Loldirr once more, causing her to raise her sword in an attempt to parry. The blades smashed together, producing a horrific twang that was painful on the ears. While the Shadow's edge stopped at an instant, Loldirr's sword was pushed with great force out of her hands and fell deep into the snow.

"Shit!" Loldirr cried as she scrambled out of range of the Zweihänder, its blade crashing down where Loldirr once stood.

The snow was difficult to walk through; each step was like treacle. The only saving grace was Loldirr's lack of armour made her quicker than the huge beast beside her.

Throwing herself towards her sword's last known location, she clambered around looking for it in desperation. Her hands were freezing as they pushed deep into the snow, but with each passing second, the crunch of snow grew closer, and Loldirr's fear grew more strenuous.

"Embrace death, Aex-Igh!" the wheeze from the Shadow emanated from his black scarred visor, and as his blade raised high, Loldirr could feel her time was to be cut short.

Around Loldirr's right hand, the snow started to melt; as she raised it, a fireball began to appear in her hand. Looking towards the power flowing from her fingertips, she smiled before pushing it towards her attacker.

An almighty clang could be heard as it hit the Shadow square on the helmet knocking him back a couple of steps. Regaining his stance, a noise could be heard echoing through his visor.

It sounded bizarre, almost forced, wait, was he laughing?

Anger flowed through Loldirr as her antagonist chuckled at her attempts to defeat him. She raised her left hand, and once a fireball was created, she launched it with vigour at him once more. As he struggled back a step, Loldirr developed another fireball, and then another and then another.

The laughter grew louder.

Loldirr screamed in frustration, raising both hands and launching a stream of intense heat, melting the snow and scarring the earth below it.

The endless barrage of flames embraced the Shadow, engulfing him until all that could be seen was the flames.

As Loldirr's frustration subsided, so did the intense heat. As she looked up towards the smouldering smoke, the sight left her in a state of shock.

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