37. The Saviour - Loldirr

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The sky bled orange as the sun peered over the horizon. Despite not a single cloud in sight, Loldirr knew the rain would be on its way.

Immersing herself once more into the calm river, she took a deep breath allowing the water to wash all over her.

With the sun rising, she would have to move quickly, even though the smell of faeces clung to her relentlessly. Chrys' map of the sewers had been instrumental in escaping Lionmane, but the trip had been arduous and repulsive. Spending hours waist-deep in people's shit was enough for both of them to heave several times, and by the time they had fallen out of the city walls, they were both exhausted.

For a few more hours they had travelled away from the roads hoping that no one would pick up their awful stench, and when the coast finally seemed clear, they ditched their clothes, and both jumped stark naked into the river.

Lifting her head out of the water, Loldirr allowed it to wash over her face and slip down her body as if a new lease of life had just flowed over her. Pushing her way to the bank, she smiled at her friend and saviour, who was already dressing in a new set of clothes which she had organised to be left at this exact point in the river.

How did Chrys plan this so thoroughly?

"I'm guessing we can't burn our old clothes?" Loldirr asked as the smell of them grew more rancid.

Chrys smiled but remained quiet, despite their escape, there was still a lot of things on her mind; it was only the beginning of an arduous trip back to Ravenscourt.

Dressing in a hunters outfit, Loldirr felt more herself than the dresses she had been encouraged to wear in Lionmane. As she tightened her leather breeches and slipped on her boots, a sigh of relief inadvertently escaped her mouth. Pulling her shirt over her wet fire kissed locks, she smiled.

Chrys reached behind a tree and pulled out some long items wrapped in a cloth, as she unravelled them, both of the young women were greeted with Loldirr's sword, bow and a quiver of arrows.

"How did you?" Loldirr asked, confused by her friend's resourcefulness.

"Da's network is throughout Lionmane; you'd be surprised on what areas and information I have access to," Chrys replied, her dimples sinking into her cheeks, bringing out a smile that had been in short supply recently.

As they both smiled, the air of joy was quickly cut open as the sound of wooden wheels creaking along a stony path could be heard in the distance. Without hesitation, Chrys disappeared into the surrounding bushes and trees which spurred Loldirr to grab the rest of her gear and follow.

Pushing their way up the hill, they both studied a wagon as it gradually came to a standstill. Instinctively Loldirr raised her bow and placed an arrow carefully in her hand.

Ready to release the arrow at the sign of trouble, she was taken aback when Chrys carefully rested her hand on Loldirr's.

"Don't worry; they are not a threat," Chrys responded.

Exiting the bushes, the two men on the wagon smiled and jumped off, "Good to see you milady." they responded.

Chrys smiled "No trouble I assume?" she replied as the two men walked around to the back of the wagon.

"Nay, milady. Everything happened exactly as was instructed."

Loldirr lowered her bow staring at Chrys in amazement. As they reached down to a compartment underneath the wagon, a voice she recognised all too well could be heard bleating hysterically.

"Get me out, get me out, GET ME OUT!" the voice cried as the two men reached into the compartment and pulled out a short elf in tattered clothing.

"Erdudvyl?" Loldirr reacted.

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