9. The Sea Horse

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For three moons Loldirr and Ethelston had been sailing on the Sea Horse, a small caravel, from White Harbour. The money that Ethelston had paid was good enough to give them their own cabin and it was now a sight Loldirr had become sickened with.

Her trips topside had been encouraged to be as infrequent as possible. The crew were a superstitious lot and considered having a woman on board a bad omen. The trip was so uneventful though that it seemed their superstitions were the Captain's excuse to keep prying eyes focused on their tasks.

Those same prying eyes brought chills to Loldirr on her brief visits to enjoy the sunshine. They were long intent stares full of lust and even though Loldirr had taken Ethelston's advice of wearing a hooded cloak to disguise her features, she knew that those stares were becoming more longing after each visit.

Ethelston had been completely useless on the trip. This magnificent warrior seemed to not take well to the sea. Within the first couple of hours, he had started to wretch his breakfast and by the end of the day, his head was positioned continuously over a large bucket. It was almost impossible to have a conversation with him without him spewing his guts within the said bucket.

Apparently, this really was the first time he'd sailed on a ship.

The careful swaying and rocking had been far more pleasant for Loldirr and it had helped her ease to sleep.

The sleep, though, was far from pleasant.

It always started with the arrow that hit the doe before switching quickly to the flames engulfing Greenhaven. She never knew how but from there she was always digging up the grave of Edric's so-called wife before treading through the river to reach the raft to try and save her and Willis.

It then always turned to the horrific look on Willis' face as The Shadow took his head in one swift devastating motion before finally being on the plains as the very essence of her life was being drained out from her. That feeling of complete helplessness would normally wake her but this time something strange happened.

This she was floating high in the sky. The wind caressed her body as her vision started to clear. As it cleared, Loldirr realised that she was not floating, but gliding through a mountainous region she had never seen before. Looking to her right, her arm could not be seen, instead, smooth reddened feathers bristled in the breeze.

As she swooped down towards the ground there was a rush of adrenaline as the rocky surface edged rapidly closer.

It felt so real, so vivid and so exhilarating.

Swinging between the rocks and hills before going back high into the mountains, Loldirr then swooped through the clouds. It felt glorious as the sun warmed her face.

There was a gap in the clouds as the mountain descended into a valley. The darkness that cloaked the gorge was at odds with the sun, as it was in a position to provide light.

Looking closer, the darkness was slithering and sliding. Loldirr felt compelled to find out what it was.

Swooping down once more under the cover of the clouds she could see an endless army edging slowly and with purpose geared totally for war.

There was an uneasiness about this army, it felt erroneous and the more Loldirr could see the more chilled she felt.

In the centre of this army stood seven heavily armoured knights and another four lighter armoured archers surrounding two mages. With the bird's excellent vision she focused on one of the knights. The dark battered armour was extremely familiar and the stature of the man within brought an uneasiness to her senses.

Sir Wendon Pykeston, The Shadow.

But it didn't feel like Sir Pykeston was the biggest threat, but the two mages that the knights and archers were protecting. Both were covered head to toe in long flowing gowns and their hoods completely covered their facial features, it was impossible to see who or what they were. They both carried long staffs, taller than their natural heights, with orbs that glowed fervently. One a majestic violet, the other a dull grey. They resonated an immense power that Loldirr had never felt the likes of before.

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