Chapter Thirty-Two

Start from the beginning

Boscha nodded her head in understanding.

"I am going to have to ask you four to exit the room while I tend to her."

Unsurprisingly, the four other students hesitated to leave.

"Let's go guys. We need to head to school anyway." Willow told her friends.

"But-" Luz went to speak, but Amity interrupted her, "Willow's right. Sorry for our distrust Dr. Alaunus." She grabbed her girlfriend's hand and pulled her out the door.

The other two students followed after them, leaving Boscha alone with the doctor. That did not help the pink-haired witch's nerves.

"May I examine your injuries, Boscha?"

Hesitantly, She nodded.

Alaunus proceeded forward, stopping in front of the bed. "Can you turn around, so I can examine your back?"

Boscha nodded, turning around. "D-do I need to r-remove my shirt?"

"Yes, I will need you to remove your shirt."

Again, The three-eyed witch nodded. She removed her shirt.

Alaunus had never dealt with abused patients. She had seen people with their guts torn open or bones sticking out of their bodies when they shouldn't have been. However, nothing she had seen made her heart drop as it had the second Boscha's shirt was off.

She forced herself not to cry as she heard the ragged breaths of the child in front of her. The young witch had started to cry. Knowing she still had a job to do, Alaunus took a deep breath and proceeded.

She drew a circle, and a blue-green light came from her palms. She placed her hands above the wound on the Boscha's back. The light crept into the sore until the entire wound was glowing the same color.

She stayed like that for a moment, giving the light enough time to heal the injury; however, when she removed her hands, the cuts on Boscha's back were still there.

"Who did this to you, Boscha?"

"It doesn't matter... they're dead now... they all are..."

Knowing it was not her area of business, Dr. Alaunus got off of the topic as quickly as she had put herself on it.

"So, your ribs also hurt? Let's get that taken care of."


The four friends were walking to school. Two of them were rather upset; they had left their friend by themselves when they were clearly terrified. The other two felt guilty, but they knew the doctor needed to do their job.

"How is she going to trust us now?! We left her with someone she didn't know when we could tell she was uncomfortable!" Luz growled.

"She'll still trust us, Luz. The doctor told us the leave, and they are a doctor. I don't think they'll be causing any harm." Amity assured her girlfriend.

"I still don't agree with the fact we left her." The Latina grumbled.

"I know..." The Blight sighed.

"I can't believe you agreed to leave her alone when she was so scared of the doctor!" Gus pointed an accusatory finger at his best friend.

"She's the one that told me to go to school, okay?! My dads will we with her anyway." The plant witch snapped slightly.

Gus lowered his finger and took a step away from his best friend. "Sorry..." He mumbled guiltily.

"What was that about, Willow?" Amity cautiously asked.

"She was so upset before all of you busted into the room, but the second she's vulnerable, she covers it all up again as if it were never there. It shouldn't make me mad, but it does!" The plant witch responded, tears threatening to fall.

"It is a little upsetting that she hides things from us... but we can't expect her to trust us with everything she has locked away." Luz tells her friend gently.

"I know..." Was the sniffled response. "But, I wish she would. I want to help her, but I don't know how!"

"I wish she would have opened up to me when we were younger..." Amity said with a frown.

"Alright, both of you need to stop. Sure, she hasn't fully opened up to us, but she will when she is ready." Gus smiled. "So, no blaming yourself for not knowing she was in a bad situation and no wishing you could change things that you can't change. Let's focus on making the future better."

Willow chuckled slightly. "When did you become so mature, Gus?"

"I've always been mature!" He huffed, causing the others to laugh.

Enjoy this shitty chapter. It was probably really boring but whatever. I'ma go curl up in a ball and die now.

Have a wonderful day and know yer all loved very much... 

Words- 1274
Published- 12/2/20

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