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Adrien Hartland

-Moring m'lady

-good morning mr.hartland

-How was your beauty sleep? Dreaming about me?

-oh, of course i was.

-Well I know I was dreaming about you, and how hard I'd fuck you.

-whoa, i bet u were. horny ass mofo.

-You bet.

-well, what are u doing today?

-Oh you know, putting on a black cat suit and going to save all of Paris.

-okay chat noir, i see u, i see u.

-Actually, parents aren't home...

-oh yeah? what are you gonna do about it? play fortnite with jentzen all day?

-I have a better idea.

-and what's that?

-Come over and you'll find out.

-omw rn.

-Good girl.

I'm very confused with life right now. I really like Adrien, but he's cocky as hell, plus there's Lev. But Lev is DATING SOMEONE. God, Aubrey get that in your thick head.

Just get over Lev and you can go back to doing whatever the fuck you want. Like, Adrien for example.

Adrien is like the boy of my dreams, he knows what he wants, he's dominant. I like it. Lev is just, taking his sweet ol' time. But Adrien, Lord I'm falling straight to hell. Plus, if I'm reading the signs right, he likes me too. He's my type, so is Lev, but I guess they say "Nice guys finish last," or something like that, for a reason.

As I was in the shower getting ready to go to Adrien's, yes, of course Im going over there. I get a text from, Lev. No not right now. Please not right now. I do what any normal person would do, ignore it.

Lev obviously doesn't like Adrien, my theory is because Adrien likes me and Lev isn't a fan of that, but it confuses me because Lev likes me but is dating Piper, well then again I told him not to break up with her. And I mean that, I care too much about Piper to let her two year relationship go down the drain because of me. That's just stupid. Like honestly, plus I'm one to put others first and not myself, which in times, aren't so good for me.

I get out of the shower and start on my makeup.

Incoming FaceTime call from Lev Cameron, seriously? If I ignore it now he's going to keep calling me till I pick up.


"Finally, I thought you were dead."

"Ha, very funny. So what's up?"

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