twenty two

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"You and Lev really just had shower sex? When there's seven other people in the house, not to mention, Lev's I don't know girlfriend and your I don't know crush who may or may not have fingered you on the first day you guys met," okay Adrien didn't have to take it that far, he could've just left it at the shower sex question and I'd still feel like a piece of shit that got shit on two million times. I'm sitting in the chair in front of the vanity mirror.

"I'm a terrible, terrible, terrible person," I say, mostly towards myself. I put my head in my hands, I'm going to cry but I should be in tears right now. Lev just cheated on his girlfriend with me, HER BEST FRIEND. I'm a terrible, fucked up, bad person. I hear Adrien get off the bed and I look up looking at him in the mirror.

"You're really not," he moves my hair to one side of my neck.


"I'm not lying, you're a great person. And you love him, there's no problem with that," he whispers into my ear. He starts kissing on my neck. I close my eyes leaning my head back, nothing compared to how Lev made me feel but I've always had feelings for-

"Aubrey I think you took my bel- hey, dude, get off of her," could this get any worse?

"Come on man, you had your fun, now leave her alone she already feels terrible."

"Yeah, terrible because you're here, trying to get in her pants."

"Been there, done that," I stand up.

"Boys stop," I say in between them. I feel like something like this has definitely happened before.

"Aubrey, I need to talk to you," Lev says dragging me out of the room by my wrist. He drags me all the way outside to the back yard, pretty much the beach but same difference. Literally everyone say us but they don't think much of it because we practically 'brother and sister.'

"What?" I snap at him.

"Did you sleep with Adrien?"

"No, but I might. Why do you care?" He looks pissed.

"I don't. I'm gonna sleep with Piper," I feel a sting in my heart, and a rage for Piper and Lev, I'm jealous.


"Fine," we look at each other for two seconds then I kiss him.

"Damnit," I yell throwing my hands in the air walking back inside. I find Ayden in a room making a tik tok I go sit down with him.

"Hey Aubs."

"Hi Ayden."

"You look stressed, wanna talk about it?" Awe, he's so positive.

"It's just boy problems."

"I can handle a little drama."


"For sure."

"Alright. Basically I'm in love with Lev and that's a problem because he's dating my best friend, they've been together for years now. He's almost seventeen and I'm so close to sixteen. Then Adrien comes into my life and I think perfect distraction to get over Lev. Nope Lev confesses his feelings for me then gets mad every time I'm with Adrien then throws a tantrum. Do I do that when you're with Piper? No. I tried calling it off so many times because I care so so so goddamn much about Piper Rockelle that I don't want to hurt her, yet, that's what I keep doing. Not to mention we just had shower sex about, hmm, an hour ago. Yeah and Adrien tried to take my mind off that I'm a terrible person then Lev comes in, without knocking, and claims I took his belt then gets mad because Adrien was kissing me and they start fighting then Lev pulls me away getting mad at me because he thinks I slept with Adrien, but to make him mad I told him I would and then to make me mad he told me he'd sleep with Piper then we claimed not to care then I kissed him proving that I do care and now everything is messed up and I don't know what to do. How do I tell Piper? I can not ruin my friendship with her, I will kill myself," I let out to Ayden.

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