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- Hey, sorry about today it was a little weird ig

- hi and ur all good. ya it was a little odd haha

- Piper's videos aren't always that crazy I promise

- honestly thank god. never playing truth or dare again.

- Lol I'll second that

- So you and Jentzen...

- haha idk rn. i think i might like someone else

- O who

- none of ur concern cameron

- Mhmm okay. I'll see you tomorrow Cruz

- wait what's tomorrow?

- Piper, I, and Jentzen are going to lunch and hanging out at her place. We all want you to come. Probably gonna spend the night there

- oh sounds fun, i'll gladly come. where tho?

- I'll just come pick you up. Send me your address.

- okayyyyy

I send lev my address and shut off my phone and go to sleep. I can't believe I told lev I like someone else. im so stupid. he's gonna ask about it and I don't know what i'm going to say if he asks. This is going to be quite embarrassing.


"AUBREY JANE WAKE UP NOW," I hate mornings. I hate them so much like you don't even know.

"what mom," I yell back not wanting to get out of bed.

"someone's here for you, his name's lev I think," shit, shit, shit, shit.

Once again I'm in a rush. what time is it? I look at my phone, 11:26, you're kidding. why didn't my alarm go off? oh that's because I didn't set one. fuck, god damnit. I pull on gray sweatpants and a purple tube top, grab my vans, car keys, all the other stuff I need. fuck makeup, actually no, not today. I look like a dead ferret. I grab my makeup bag and run out the door.

"hey aubs you look..."

"don't. say. anything." I death glare him and he holds his hands up in response and opens the car door for me.

I pull up my hair into a high pony tail and pull out some of my baby hairs so it looks someone cute. then I pull down the mirror and start on my makeup.

"why are you doing you doing your makeup in my car again?"

"I woke up late and I look dead."

"aubrey shut up you look gorgeous," I blush a little, but he's wrong, I look dead.

"yeah okay," I barley did anything, just a little concealer, mascara and chap stick.

"and we are here," says lev pulling into a parking spot.

we both get out of the car and walk to where we're supposed to meet jentzen and piper. when we see them it's defiantly not what lev wants to see. jentzen and piper locking lips like its the last time. I take my juul from my wallet and hit.

"can I?" lev asks while motioning to the vape in my hand.

"go for it man," I say while handing it to him. once the two stop swallowing each other whole we walk over there pretending like nothing happened.

"oh hey guys," says piper hugging lev. he does not look happy.

"lev what's that?" piper asks lev referring to the juul in his hand that he was about to hit. I immediately snatch it from him giving him the 'what the hell' look, he just shrugs it off. oh god this is not good.

we all start walking to the restaurant and it was silent. like no one was talking. jentzen tried to make conversation with lev but he barely answered. he just answered with one word responses. I felt bad for him. he literally witnessed his girlfriend cheating on him, I wonder what's going on in his brain right now.


i want to kill him. i can't believe he did that to me. his best friend. i'm his best friend and he really betrayed me like that, with my girlfriend. i can't believe her either, and they just acted like nothing happened. if she wants to cheat fine, but don't do it in a public area like that. or just don't cheat, break up with me and spare me the pain of having to see that.

"so lev are you excited for the Hawaii trip in a couple of weeks?" piper asks me, i ignore her.

"yeah lev, you and piper are-"

"DON'T talk about me and piper," i was about the explode when i feel aubrey put her hand on mine and tell me to calm down.

"jesus lev what has gotten into you?" piper asks me but i don't answer instead aubrey does and i hold her hand and squeeze it tight.

"he saw you guys."

"he saw us what aubrey?"

"he saw you guys making out on the bench." aubrey holds my hand tight as piper and jenten trying to make up excuses for what we saw. I've heard enough of it, so i left. i let go of aubrey's hand and walk out of the restaurant with pure anger.

i hear someone run after me assuming it's aubrey but it's not. it' piper.

"lev i'm sorry."

"sorry isn't enough. what were you two even doing?"

"i thought you liked aubrey and i wanted to get back on her and you. i'm sorry i was just jealous," i get where she's coming from, we've been together for so long i don't want to ruin that now because of a misunderstanding.

"piper, i don't like aubrey she's new, she just came here, i don't trust her as much as i trust you. i love you so much and i understand you were just jealous. but you have to understand she means absolutely nothing to me," i say while giving her a hug. i look up from piper's shoulder and i see aubrey standing there, we make eye contact and she looked sad but before i could say anything she ran the other way.

i don't like her. i just met her, but i can't ignore this undeniable connection we have. i do like her as a friend though, she's so funny and i appreciate her being there to try to help me, but piper is my girlfriend, i have to commit to her and not the other girl.

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