twenty four

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"Alright everyone, it's our day off. No filming, no nothing and I have the perfect day planned out," Piper says as we're all sitting in the living room eating breakfast.

Piper woke all of us up at ten in the morning, I guess it's not that early, but it's early for a group of teenagers.

"And what might that be?" I ask.

"Well, after everyone is finished, we're going bowling, then we're splitting up and I have a list, a scavenger hunt even, you have to go to these spots and take a picture with your partner and post them to the group chat, after that we're all going to a nice restaurant for dinner and it's going to be so much fun," Piper exclaims. She seems so happy.

"Alright, everyone wrap it up. Let's go have an amazing day in Hawaii," I say standing up and looking at everyone.

We all disperse back to our rooms to get ready. I walk into the bathroom, taking a quick shower and getting out.

The shower...


I shake the thought out of my head and I walk up to the sink. I start to do my make up and I hear the bathroom door open. I assume it's Adrien coming in to take a shower as well but it's not, it's Lev.


"Hey," I say quickly looking away. I just need to shake off all the feelings I have for this boy, they need to go away. It's never going to work out between us. I knew it never was.

I put on my mascara, dropping it as I apply it to my bottom lashes.

"Damnit," I look up in the mirror and it's all over my cheek and, everywhere.

"How the—" I sigh putting the spoolie back into the container. I use a wet towel to try and scrub it off only making it worse. I get frustrated and I sigh heavily putting my head down.

"Aubrey," I look up at Lev. He has a makeup wipe and he lifts my chin up with his finger and starts to softly wipe the mascara off my cheek.

His blue eyes are fixated on my cheek making sure the black is all gone. He looks so focused. He looked so, so, I don't know. He's just perfect. Everything about him is perfect. Everything. I wish he was mine. I wish I could call him mine. But he's not. And he never will be.

"There," I look in the mirror, the mascara is gone. Looks perfectly normal.

"Uh, thanks," I say.


I do the rest of my makeup and walk back into the bedroom. I rummage through my suitcase looking for clothes. I finally ended up wearing light blue jeans, a cropped flannel and of course my black and white converse. I start dutch braiding one side of my hair all the way down to my neck and putting the rest into a small bun, doing the same to the other side of my hair.

"You look beautiful," I turn around to see Adrien standing there with his blue flannel and the white undershirt. The chains hanging off his black jeans. I stand up walking towards him.

"We're matching," I say as I smile like and idiot.

"We are, aren't we?" he takes my hand and we walk out of the room together rejoining with the others.

"So are you guys like official?" Claire asks us excitingly. Aiden and I look at each other, we both know we have to be together. He shrugs and we turn back to look at Claire.

"I guess so," the girls start screaming and jumping up and down while the boys bro hug and pat Adrien on the back, except for Lev.

"Okay, we should get going," Piper says.

We all walk out to the car talking about the little things and Hunter is driving and we're taking the one car. Jentzen, Claire, Ayden and Sawyer sit in the very back while Lev, Piper, Adrien and I are crammed in the middle. Adrien and Piper got the window seats while Lev and I are squished together in the middle.

To say it was awkward, is an understatement. Piper was making small talk with Lev, well trying at least. He was being short with her. It was obvious he was upset about something. My guess was that Adrien and I made our relationship, official. I wish I was in love with Adrien and not Lev. It would make things a whole lot easier. But life isn't easy, I don't get to choose who I fall in love with. I have to choose how to deal with it. And I'm dealing, poorly, but I'm dealing.

I feel a presence on my left hand and I knew it was Lev, I pulled my had away.

Ouch. That really hurt.

I wanted to cry. I've wanted to cry this whole time, every second since Piper's manager said, what she said.

But I can't seem to let it out. I can't let it out. I have to be strong. Push through it. I have to. Or I'll fall apart.

I don't regret the day I met him but I regret everything else. The romantic moments we shared. He made me fall in love with him.

I can't blame my feelings on him though, I could. But that's not fair to him. He shows his hurt, I can see it on his face, but me? No, I'm happy with Adrien, I love Adrien. He's my always and forever.

Like in the Originals.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Don't cry, don't cry, don't you dare cry Aubrey Jane. Don't.

It's alright. Everything's fine. There's light at the end of the tunnel. There's sun after the rain. Tomorrow's a new day. Everything is alright.

"Okay, let's go bowling," Piper says as the car parks.

Don't cry.

That's all that's going through my brain right now.

Don't cry.

"Aubs. You've gotta get out silly," I look at the smiling Adrien and I couldn't help but smile myself. His smile is contagious. I take his hand and get out of the car pulling the seat forward to the others can get out.

"Do you want to know a secret?" I look at Adrien confused.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I don't know how to bowl," I laugh a little.

"Don't laugh. It's not funny," he pouts lightly punching my arm.

"I'll teach you."

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