twenty nine

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"Your boyfriend is insane," I say to Piper while she does her makeup. I spent the night last night and now we're getting ready to go on a double date with our boyfriends.

"What do you mean?"

"That prank he pulled yesterday. Way too far."

"But he's right, you vape too."

"I started when I was 12 that's like years dude. It's hard to get off of," I say defending myself.

"I know I know. And I still love you."

"I love you too."

"Hey girls," In comes Adrien and Lev. I was sitting on the countertop in Pipers bathroom and Adrien comes in and stands in between my legs kissing me.

"Awe y'all are too cute," says Piper next to us.

"Look at you and Lev though," I say even though it hurts my heart to even hear of his name come out of my mouth.

"Are you two ready?" Adrien says walking over to the door.

"Yes!" Piper says putting down her mascara. She's wearing a just black cropped top with jeans and i'm wearing a dark green crew neck with a white skirt.

"No I look like shit," I say trudging along behind the group.

"You look beautiful," Lev says from next to me. I turn my face to hide my very obvious blush. He will be the death of me.

We get in Lev's car and I start Dutch Braiding the top of one side of my hair tying it off into a ponytail once it reaches my neck doing that with he other side of my hair and pulling the little baby hairs forward so it looks messier.

"Where are we even going?" I ask as were on the road.

"Some sushi place Jentzen took Claire. They both said it was really good so we obviously have to try it out," says Piper turning in her seat to look at me while she talks.

"I love sushi," I say.

"We know Aubs," Lev says looking through the rearview mirror at me. I hate love, and feelings. Ayo Damon Salvatore you wanna like come turn me into a vampy vamp so I can turn it all off? Please, I'm desperate.

I hit the puff bar I had in my hand. I somehow always have nicotine on me. Its so unhealthy. But it's whatever I guess.

The car comes to a stop and I look up to see we're at the sushi place. We get out of the car and Paparazzi come at us with cameras and shit. This is the first time this has happened.

"Lev is it true you broke up with Piper for Aubrey?" The guy asks with a camera pointed at our faces. We all ignore them and walk into the resturant. The waiter sits us down outside and once we get to our seats I let out a breathe I didn't even know I was holding in.

"Does that happen a lot to you guys?" Adrien asks.

"Only when we're down where all the celebs are," Piper answers.

"Thats the first I've been with them when that happened," I add on to what Piper said.

We all take the time to look at the menu and we eventually figure out what we want to order and the waiter comes over to take our order for drinks. Adrien is sitting across from me as well as Piper. So it leaves Lev and I sitting next to each other. Scary. I'm scared. I dont know why I just am.

Why does he have to be so goddamn hot?

"I'm getting my own condo soon," I say breaking the awkward silence.

"No way really?" Piper asks.

"Yeah. I'm so fed up with mom's bull dad agreed to get me a condo. I'm moving in soon."

"Wait where do you live now? You know since you don't technically stay at your house," Lev asks looking at me.


"Oh," he sounds disappointed.

"You know if Adrien ever gets sick of you you could always come stay with me. You know my mom loves you and I'll be getting my own place in a couple years too," he adds on.

"Or I could stay at Piper's."

"Oh yeah, totally,"back to the awkward silence.

Lev Cameron

what was that?!

What do you mean?

i mean why are you being so weird?

Me? Weird? You're the one avoiding me

i'm not avoiding you

Really? Cuz ever since Hawaii you haven't bothered to even shoot me a 'Hello'

i've been busy

Oh really? Doing what?

Fucking Adrien.

nothing. chill out

Tell him I fucked you first.


I see him out of the corner of my eye shut off his phone and slam it on the table. Why is he so fucking mad?

"Babe are you okay?" Adrien asks me from across the table.

"I'm great," I say faking a smile. I feel Lev's cold hand on my thigh. What the hell is he doing.

Our waiter comes back to take our order, we give her our order and she walks away leaving us alone again.

"You guys should all spend the night tonight," Piper says.

"I was staying anyways so yeah. Sounds fun," I say.

"I'm down."

"Sure," Lev says squeezing my thigh making me tense. I could see him smirking, kinky son of a bitch. I can feel his hand slowly going up my thigh and under my skirt. I put my hand on top of his placing it on my inner thigh. What can I say? I like the feeling.

He rubs soft circles with his thumb on my skin. I tense up even more not expecting it, Lev just loves my reaction.

"Here you all go. Oh and I just have to say, you two make an awfully cute couple," the waiter says bringing us our food the part about the couple, she was looking at me and Lev. We were both quick to answer.

"He's not my-"

"She's not my-" he says at the same time I do.

"We're not a-"

"We're not a-" there he goes again.

"We're not a couple but thank you," I say finishing for both of us. He kept trying to steal my words. How rude.

As the waiter walks away, all four of us look at each other and we just burst out laughing. We may be one hell of a messed up friend group but at least we still know to have a laugh every once in a while. I love my friends. Life could be better, but at least I have them.

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