thirty two

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"Jentzen stop, give it back," Pipers whines as Jentzen took her phone and held it above his head. Oh they are so flirting. I'm tired and all I want to do is sleep but no I'm at Piper's with Claire, Lev, Jentzen and Conner.

"Conner is your girlfriend coming over too?" I ask looking at Conner.

"Yeah and Indi is coming too."

"Alright," I respond going back onto my phone.

"Hey guys welcome BACK to another video, we've got the whole squad here and today we're doing carpool kareoke and Aubrey is driving," Lev says to his camera as I whip my head around to face him.

"Excuse me what?"

"You're driving."

"When in the hell did I agree to this?"

"Just now, lets go everyone, into Aubrey's car," Lev says and we all get up from the couch and walk outside into my car. We're just going to make everyone fit arent we? This isn't like illegal or anything-

"Can we go pick up Azalea and Indi?" Conner asks as Lev puts his camera on the dashboard of my car so it fits everyone.

"Yeah, we're gonna have to fit a lot of damn people in my car."

"We've fit our whole squad in a minivan I think we can do it," Piper says.

"Plus do you know how many times Hunter has had to ride in the trunk to get footage," Claire adds on.


"Okay crew, lets get a move on," I say backing out of the driveway.

"Aubrey you sound like a soccer mom."

"Jentzen shut up, no one asked for your opinion," everyone in the car laughs.

My phone starts ringing and it's a facetime from Coco Quinn, her and I were texting a lot recently.

"Hey girl."

"Hey, so I was wondering if you'd want to hangout with Gavin and I today," she says.

"Hell yeah, I have like five people, about to be seven, in my car right now, do you two want to come join the party?" I ask.

"Yes, I'll send you the address."

"Alright bet, I'll see you in like ten minutes."

"Okay, bye love you."

"Love you too angel," I say and she hangs up the phone (can we pretend like gavin and piper never ended on bad terms and they're all friends because i love the goat fam and the squad so likeeee).

"Wait so we're going to have like ten people in this car?" Lev asks.

"Yes sir."

"I have and idea guys, Pipes and Lev share the front seat, Conner and Azalea can sit in the trunk, Co can sit on Gav's lap in a seat, Claire and Jentzen can double buckle and Indi can sit in a seat," I explain while driving to pick up Indi and Azalea.

"That sounds doable," Piper says. I pull into Indi and Azalea's driveway and honk so they know we're here.

"Damn there's so many people here," Indi says walking to the car.

"And Coco and Gavin are coming too," I say.

"Oh so it's a party."

"Hell yeah. Azalea and Conner are in the trunk. Piper come up here and sit with Lev and Indi you get in the back seat with Claire and Jentzen," I say as they all get rearranged in the car. 

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