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"Hey guys so today's video is a little different, today I'm going to be introducing the squad to a new member of the squad. I know I did this a while back introducing you guys but actually this is a new person, I'm excited to see everyone's reaction," Piper says. Apparently she has a new member to the squad, Im scared and excited but I really don't know what to expect.

Hunter takes Symone first to do the little one on one interviews, I'm sitting with Emily Sawyer and Claire.

"Who do you think it is?" I ask.

"I don't know but I was talking to Piper the other day and she said that she had been talking and hanging out with this guy. Not like cheating on Lev but like friend wise, I wonder if it's him," says Emily.

"Oh yeah I'd ask Piper if she wanted to hangout and said she was hanging out with a friend, but I knew it wasn't Lev because I'd just end up hanging with him," I say.

"I don't know maybe Aubs and this mystery guy might have a thing," says Sawyer and I laugh at him. It's a possibility.

"Aubrey, your turn," says Hunter. I walk into the small room and basically just start talking.

"I've only been in the squad for a couple of months now but every moment I spend with these people are the best moments of my life. I think my favorite memory was the first video we've ever filmed together, when lev and i accidentally kissed. That was, very awkward but a really funny memory," and that the end to my interview. Last week was a cruel prank, I do like Jentzen, but I don't. I like Lev, but I can't like Lev. He likes me, but he can't like me.

Man, I don't understand this shit.

I go back to sit in the couch with everyone and finally the revealing is happening. All of us except Piper close our eyes.

"Okay everyone one, two, three... OPEN," I open my eyes to see a very cute boy, he has dirty blonde wavy hair, emerald green eyes, a jawline that makes him look twenty three, and an amazing fashion sense. We make eye contact and he smirks and winks at me, I swear my stomach did like fifty flips.

"This is Adrien, I'll let him introduce himself," says Piper as she sits down with the rest of us.

"Well what's up, I'm Adrien, born and raised in Kansas City, Kansas. I just moved here a couple months ago and Piper had shown me around. I'm sixteen and I'm excited to be a part of the squad and make many new friends," he says. His voice was deep, very attractive, he's very attractive.

"Alright everyone introduce themselves," says Piper, I was last to speak up because I was still in shock on how he legit winked at me and he's hot. Why am I a literal fangirl?

"And who might you be?" Adrien say looking at me.

"Oh. Uh, hi I'm Aubrey but everyone calls me Aubs."

"Hi Aubrey," he says without dropping eye contact. I don't either, I bite my lip because i'm nervous and he raises his hand and rests his thumb in my bottom lip pulling it out from in between my teeth. He lingers for a moment but then walks away talking to someone else.

Holy shit. I think I'm in love. I go to the kitchen to get strawberries and Lev was in there.

"Hey Leb."

"Hey Aub."

"So what do you think about the new guy?" I ask.

"I think he's stuck up. Too good to be true."

"Well, I think he's charming. He's very nice. I don't know why you're so down about it."

"Well because, he's been hanging out with my girlfriend for a while I'm scared that like he's going to steal her or something."

"I think he has the hots for someone else," I say as I grab my bowl of strawberries and walk out leaving Lev clueless.

The night goes on and Adrien I think was here the longest. Well same with Lev and I, but we practically live here.

"Hey Pipes, is it alright if I just crash here?" I ask to Piper as she's laying on her bed with Lev and Adrien and I are just sitting on the floor, well he's sitting Im laying down.

"Aubs you practically live here you don't even need to ask," I mean she's not wrong. I'm here everyday, every moment of my life. Unless of course I have to do something with my family. I can't ever get out of that one.

"I think Lev is staying the night too, Adrien you wanna stay?" Asks Piper to Adrien.

"Yeah, that sounds fun," he replies. Nice I get to spend the night with Adrien, literally the hottest boy to walk the Earth. Piper where in the world did you find this kid. Cause I wanna find one too.

a/n: ew why do i legit hate this chapter? i'll do better on chapter nine i promise. ANYWAYS y'all should go follow my tiktok @bihw0t it's pretty cute.

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