thirty three

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"Hey Aubs you in here?" Lev says walking into the bathroom while I'm curling my hair.

"No, I am not."

"Oh hush," he says while hugging me from behind and kissing my neck.

"You're going to get burnt and then you're going to blame it on me when it's not even my fault," I say taking the iron off my hair and letting the curl fall down by itself. I set the curling iron on the countertop and unplug it from the wall so it cools down.

"We'll it's not hot anymore," he says reaching for the iron and I grab his hand pulling it back.

"Yes, it is. I just unplugged it. It's like living with a toddler," I say.

"We don't live together."

"You sleep here like every other night and you're here everyday. Since I got the condo. Either with people or just us."

"I like it when it's just us," he says leaning in for a kiss.

"Hey now. You have a girlfriend you need to get back to," I stay killing the mood and stopping the kiss. He throws his head back and groans.

"Can you stop doing that. All day you bring up how I have a girlfriend but at night it's like she doesn't exist and you're all over me," I don't think he was trying to turn me on but he definitely turned me on.

I run my hands up his chest and wrap my arms around his neck. He picks me up and sets me down on the countertop of our bathroom.

"Oh so now you want me?" he says while slightly chuckling.

"I always have."

I kiss up and down his neck sucking at some parts to leave little marks. I grab the back of his head pulling his hair a bit while kissing his lips long and passionately. He pulls away.

"Who are you and what did you do with Aubrey Cruz?"

"Lev, I'm still me."

"No ma'am you are not. It's the middle of the day and you're leaving hickies on my neck. That's not you, that's you when you're mad, fucked up, or both."

"Okay shut up."

"Never," he leans into kiss me and we share a moment before his phone rings.

"Ah shit. Hello? Oh hey baby, how's it going? Yeah I'm with Aubrey right now. You want to talk to her? Yeah okay, here you go," Lev hands me the phone and I'm looking at him freaking out.

"Hey Pipes what's up?"

"Hi sorry you didn't answer your phone."

"It's in the other room the ringer is off. Is everything okay?" I ask.

"No, no everything is not okay."

"Piper what happened."

"Jentzen is here and we were hanging out like always and he kissed me," shit. I don't know what to think right now.


"Yeah, I don't know how I feel. Aubrey, I really like Jentzen. I always have but Lev. What is Lev going to think about this. How am I going to tell him? Oh my god can he hear me right now?" Oh no she's freaking out. Fuck what do I do?

"Hey, hey. It'll be alright, Lev and I will come over and you and I can talk okay?"

"Okay. Please hurry. I'm freaking out. I don't know what to do," me too sis. Me too.

"Piper, I have to ask. Is this a prank?"

"Trust me I wish it was."

"Okay honey we're on our way. I'll see you in five." I say and hang up the phone while running out of the bathroom and grabbing my phone and car keys.

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