Chapter 42 - Awake

Start from the beginning

I hear people outside my room. I can't reconise the voices though. Sure enough, out of the corner of my eye I think I see Christina walk into the room, but as soon as she sees me she stops dead in her tracks and stops talking.

"Ow. My back. Get a doctor. M-My back." I groan in pain.

I see the face I've been longing to see since I fell that night, Zeke's. He runs over toward me and takes my hand is his. He kisses my forehead and tells me how much he missed me and how much he loves me.

"You're okay. Everything is okay. You are fine." He tries to reassure me.

"It h-h-hurts. I c-can't f-f-feel m-my legs." I sob in pain.

"Okay. I'll tell the doctors. Christina went to go get them. Don't worry. Just breathe." He says stroking the top of my head with his other hand.


"I-I-It h-h-hurts." She groans.

A nurse comes in the room and looks shocked when she sees Shauna.

"I'm going to have to ask you two to leave." She says.

"P-Please don't l-l-leave." Shauna quietly sobs.

"She's my girlfriend! She needs me! I need her! I'm not going to leave!" I yell.

I hear Christina protest not for her to stay, but for me to stay.

"We'll see what the doctor says." The nurse says to me coming back into the room.

As if on cue two doctors run into the room followed by three nurses with a bunch of medical equipment. They all start setting up stuff as the doctors start checking Shauna out.

"Ow! It hurts!" She yells. Immediately they take their hands off of her and back away. She is sobbing violently in pain. I try to calm her down by whispering condolences in her ear and stroking her head with one hand and holding her hand with my other hand, but it doesn't seem to be working.

"Where does it hurt, Shauna?" The one male doctor asks.

"Everywhere!" She sobs.

"She had told me she felt numb from the waist down, but that it hurt earlier." I speak up.

"Look through her past files." The guy says to a nurse. She pulls out an envelope that was in a slot on the wall and starts going through it.

"Shauna, I'm just going to check out your back and hips to make sure everything is in line. If it causes you a different pain, then you have right now then let me know." The doctor says.

He goes around pressing on different spots on her back, hips, and knees and Shauna never speaks up but she still has tears going down her face.

"Found it. The only thing in her records is paralyzation from the waist down from being shot in the back. She had made an amazing recovery from the whole thing with the pills that we had given her from Erudite. She had walking braces for if she needed them, but never seemed to." The nurse says.

I feel my heart sink and my face pale.

"Shauna, can you move you legs? Your knees? Hips? Toes? Anything below your waist?" He asks.

She shakes her head no and breaks out sobbing.

"I hate to say it, but it looks like your paralyzed from the waist down again. What were you doing when you fell?"

"I-I-I was in the kitchen getting some painkillers for my b-back because it had been bothering me and so I could sleep better and then pain started shooting d-down my legs and they gave o-o-out under me. I fell on the f-floor and d-didn't have my phone b-because it was in t-the bedroom s-so I just started y-yelling and h-hoping someone would hear me. Then I-I heard people break down the door a-and I recognized Chris and Four's mother, E-Evelyn, then I b-blacked o-out." Shauna sobs. I continue to try and calm her by stroking her blonde hair which is pulled back in a messy bun.

"Okay. So it had been bothering you just that day, or for a while?" The doctor asks looking up from the paper he was writing on.

"For a f-few days. I was going to make a-an appointment, but i-it was too late a-at night so I-I was going to call in t-t-the morning."

"I know it's too late to change the past, but for the future, if your back ever hurts you like that, and because of your history of a back injury, come in right away, no matter what time. You're lucky that your neighbors heard you or else you could've been in a worse situation of just from the waist down paralyzation."

She nods laying back on the pillow under her head. For being in a coma for as long and she was she sure looks tired.

"We will put you on some painkillers through your IV and try to rest the best you can. We will check you further out tomorrow." The doctor says.

She nods.

I stand up and shake the doctors hand.

"I'm Zeke, her boyfriend." I say.

"I go by Isaac. I don't like having 'doctor' in front of my name. It's too professional for someone who went through Dauntless initiation." He says chuckling a little.

"Agreed." I say chuckling.

"I've got other patients to tend to, so nice meeting you Zeke." Isaac says.

"Same to you."

I go and take my seat next to Shauna, taking her hand in mine and laying my head next to hers. She can move her head, so she turns her head toward mine. I kiss the tip of her nose and a small smile forms on her face.

"I love you. So so much." I say kissing her temple, right between her eyebrows.

"I love you too." She says pressing her forehead against mine and closing her eyes.

"I love you more." I say not caring how cliché it sounds.

"Well, I love you and our cliché relationship most." She says reading my thoughts.

I press my lips gently to hers and she kisses back. I realize now how much I missed her and how worried I was about her while I was in Erudite.

We pull away and as soon as we do my phone starts making noise. We laugh and I look to see who the caller ID is.

It's Four.

"It's Four. I've gotta take it. I'll be right outside." I tell Shauna.


I press the little green button to answer the call as I head out the door.

"Hey. What's up?" I say.

He wastes no time getting to the point.

"We have a way in."


Hi again humans!

Whoop! Two updates in one day! I'm full of inspiration ideas right now and I may be home from school again tomorrow so I may update again before I leave for vacation!

So CLIFFHANGER!!!!! What'd you think of the chap? About Shauna being paralyzed again? About Tobias on the phone with Zeke?

Wattpad hates me so I'm sorry but I'm not going to comment to every comment on the story anymore. I read each comment though so please keep commenting! I love seeing what or how you all react to the chaps!

Please don't stop reading because of the lack of Fourtris. Don't let that stop you from reading please! I have a plan for this story so please have some faith in it with me! I <4 each one of you and want you to stay!

Iz gotta go finish packing.

8.1k reades! <4 <4

Until next time...

Stay amazing!

Thanks for reading!






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