Analyzing Auras(Winx Edition)

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So for this chapter I wanted to go over auras Winx style. So it's widely known that people can have a certain "aura" about as people like to say but what I'm going to be talking about here is less of the feeling and more of the energy aspect of it. So before I go too much into detail take a look as this pictures below.

 So before I go too much into detail take a look as this pictures below

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These sort give you a look at what I'm talking about so in the "Winx Universe" if you'd like to call it that each fairy has their own unique aura and while in some situations they can look similar no two are exactly the same

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These sort give you a look at what I'm talking about so in the "Winx Universe" if you'd like to call it that each fairy has their own unique aura and while in some situations they can look similar no two are exactly the same. A lot of the time you can easily see their aura when they are in their fairy form. Like the first picture above. Now while their aura can show people what kind of power they possess it is also almost like an energy that surrounds them. This is because of the transformation now they do still have an aura when they are in their human form but it is much stronger when they transform due to the energy that goes into the transformation process. Now while I can't exactly put other magical girls/boys into this category I know from experience that going from human to fairy is not an easy task and is extremely draining when you first start out but as you get stronger and have more experience it gets easier. So in conclusion what I'm trying to say is these colorful auras that surround the Winx in the movies and the series is not as simple as some people might think and it's actually pretty amazing how complex they are. Anyway that's all for now I'll post something else either tomorrow or the day after.
Goodbye for now!

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