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For my next info chapter I thought I'd talk about avians. Now buckle up because this is going to be a long chapter. Let's start from the beginning avians are winged humans now some people think that they are similar to fairies which is not true at all fairies usually have translucent wings while avians have wings that are made of flesh,bone and feathers. This is one of the reasons why becoming an avian takes such a long time unlike a fairy they have to grow new flesh and bone into their body which doesn't just happen overnight. It can take years of patience to grow wings and not to mention their huge side the wings can range from 10-30 feet long(in all obviously do each wing would be 15ft long) this means that before deciding to become an avian please make sure you've done the research first and that you know for sure that that is something you truly want to do before diving in. There is one more thing I wanted to talk about before I go and that is retractable wings now some people believe that avian wings are like arms or legs so you can't just retract them that would be like retracted an arm or a leg which you can't do. While others believe that anything is possible with the right sub or shifting method so you could have retractable wings. Either way you can believe whatever you would like to believe I hope that this helped you in some way.
Goodbye for now!

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