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If you didn't get the chance to read my previous chapter I apologize. I had taken it down for privacy reasons but if you don't already I have recently become a full mythical! It's really exciting and I haven't really been able to stop thinking about it. My mythical journey has been almost 3 years long I'm just really happy that it had turned out this way. I know that there are still many people who still want to become a full mythical and I want to give as much help as I can.

For that reason I'm opening up this chapter here for questions anyone might have for me. (As long as they are not to personal of course)
So feel free to leave them in the comments or pm me if that better for you. I should also mention that I will still be posting info chapters like I normally do so if you all have any suggestions feel free to comment. Alrighty I think that's about it!

Goodbye for now!

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