Extra Info/ Update

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It's been a minute hasn't it?
Nothing interesting has really happened in my life recently, although I do have a bit of an interesting update to discuss. Recently I learned that I'm able to manipulate certain events that happen. For instance a good friend of mine had a class at school that was pretty difficult and honestly not that great in general. By meditating on it myself and saying certain phrases... "This class will be easier." "This class will be significantly shorter." By saying these phrases over and over again in my head and really meditating over them she was able to see certain results during her class. I won't post the text she sent of the results without her permission, so I'll ask her later on if she would be comfortable with that. But this and a couple other events similar to this have happened and I'm very interested to continue learning more about this ability.

Now the next reason I'm writing this chapter is to share some responses I had given to someone for the questions they had asked me. I think that the responses that I had given might be helpful for other people so I'll post them here.

 I think that the responses that I had given might be helpful for other people so I'll post them here

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Alright now the third and final reason I wanted to write this chapter is to talk about a book that was recently published by Kima_Kat   it's called "True Magix" and I highly suggest you all read it

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Alright now the third and final reason I wanted to write this chapter is to talk about a book that was recently published by Kima_Kat   it's called "True Magix" and I highly suggest you all read it. Not just people who want to become merpeople but mythicals in general, because it's important that we all learn more about the ins and outs of the mythical community and the lies and misinformation that's being spread whether that be intentional or not. It's important to know how harmful that can be for aspiring mythicals. So please if you have the time or you get the chance check it out.

That's all for now everyone!
Goodbye for now!

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