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This chapter was requested by ZaharaRyant2019

Alright before I really dive into the important information I want to give you all the definition of (kin.) Since I think that the info I'm about to give you will become clearer with that there.

(group of persons of common ancestry/one's relatives)

It's important to know that to kin with someone or something is to be connected with it or related. That doesn't even have to mean physically it can mean mentally as well.

Now I'm going to get into the history behind demonkin. Now it is widely known that demons or things that people find demonic have an extremely bad reputation and image in general. Demons in general through the course of history have been known a lot of the time as corrupted humans, creatures of chaos or fallen deities.

In modern times it is quite surprising how little humans really know about demons or demon like creatures and how common they are here.

A lot of the time you'll find that demonkin  are those who identify as a demon or something similar to a demon. A lot of the time this is because they have come in very close contact with a demon in their past. Maybe even as far in the past as infancy or in the womb. To a lot of people this is a terrifying thought but not much can be done about it. A lot of the time demonkin have special abilities but they will not know of them at all until a certain time on their lives. This time can be known as an "awakening". It is a pretty difficult time and can be extremely painful for some people and a lot of the time it is a lengthy process.

Below I'm going to leave a screenshot of something that I think is very useful in learning more about demonkin and I suggest you all take a look. I take no credit for the information I am giving you below, it was written by someone else on tumblr.

 I take no credit for the information I am giving you below, it was written by someone else on tumblr

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So it is a good idea to really look into what being a demonkin really means to you personally

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So it is a good idea to really look into what being a demonkin really means to you personally. It's not a good idea to just label yourself a demonkin or any other type of kin lightly because there are people who do genuinely identify as whatever type of kin that comes into play in that situation.

Now I want to quickly go over the little bit of controversy that surrounds being a kin in general not just a demonkin. There are some people who believe that you are born as a kin but others believe that you can become a kin through different methods that I will not specify here. I will not be giving my opinion on the matter, I want to just give you all information to go off of so you can form your own opinions.

Alright that all I have for you all for now, I hope this chapter was some help to you ZaharaRyant2019 .
Goodbye for now!

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