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This chapter as you can probably tell is all about phoenixes. I haven't really seen that much info on them so I thought that I'd be a good topic to write about. Now almost everyone knows the Phoenix as the "fire bird" which in a way is true but that is not the only element that you can have as a Phoenix like for instance you could have a Phoenix form with water,earth,fire and air. So a Phoenix is much more than just the fire element. Now on to how to become one there are probably many different ways to become one but I will only list the maim ones. The first and one of the easier methods is subs which is one of the most common ways to become a mythical. The next way is through shifting which is one of the harder methods and is a lot more time consuming. I obviously don't know everything there is to know about phoenixes but hopefully this helped you in some way.
Goodbye for now!

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