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So this chapter will be all about werewolves let's start. So people know the werewolf as a human/wolf supernatural creature but there's much more to them than that. Folklore surrounding this creature started in around 60AD and it originated from Europe the word werewolf in old English means lycanthrope. Now back in the time of witch hunts there were also trials for "werewolves" or what people believed werewolves to be and for people back then you were a werewolf if you were considered a wolf tamer or wolf rider. Now werewolves have many abilities such as supernatural healing,night vision,shape shifting and even immortality. Of course there are many different ways to become a werewolf but subs and shifting are definitely the main ways. Oh and you should be warned that shifting into anything physically is very painful and if you want to know more about that you can look at my shifting chapter. Now the next thing is it is well known that werewolves have a strong connection to the moon but that can be said about many mythical creatures since the moon has an almost hypnotizing factor about it and you also need to know that there is no in between with werewolves(unlike the picture above) you can really only go from fully human to fully wolf. Now people might have differing opinions about this and that's fine but from my knowledge that is what I believe is true. I hope you learned something.
Goodbye for now!

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