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For this chapter I thought I'd talk about ghouls now I didn't have to much knowledge about them myself before I did a little research but now that I have some info I'm happy to share it. But if I do get anything wrong or anything in here is inaccurate please do tell me so I can correct it I don't want to give you all any false info. Alright let's get started ghouls have a pretty bad reputation among people because they are made out to be evil when in reality they aren't sure there is a small few that really aren't that great but majority of them are not bad they usually wouldn't do anything to hurt people unless they really needed to. In Arabic theology which is the first one they are made out to be very evil creatures that lure people away so that they can eat them. It is said that they spend majority of their time in graveyards and that their main job are grave digging but they also do a lot of grave robbing. They are known as very demonic creatures and it is said that some even have the power to shift into certain animal if they wanted to. In conclusion ghouls come off as quite evil but like I said I like to see the best in every creature and person so I'm sure they aren't as bad as they seem. And if after you read this article you are having doubts about becoming a ghoul please don't. Don't let this information sway you if you truly want to become a ghoul. And if you're just here to read this just because then I hope you learned something new.
Goodbye for now!

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