Chapter 6: All Olympians Cheat

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"Well, did you eat?" Jason said.

Nico nodded. "Persephone had Thanatos drop off some food outside my door."

Percy frowned, about to add something else, when Jason heard the sound of the gunshot. Bang! How did he know it was even a gunshot?

But he had little time to worry about that, as different sounds and sights were appearing in his mind.

Bang! Bang! A blurry face appeared above him. A girl with dark hair and regal beauty pulled him up.

"They found us!" she said.

Smoke swirled throughout the air. Through the smog, he could see a few familiar features that he knew he'd seen before. A flash of blond hair, a glimpse of silver and gold, a glance of arms thick as bridge cables. Something about all of these sights felt important to him.


Jason lurched forward, as the flashback evaporated into thin air. "What... wha–what was that?"

Percy pulled him up. "That's what we're trying to figure out. Nico called security, but are you okay?"

Jason nodded, patting Percy. "Yeah. I think I'm okay."

Nico came back around the corner. "Security should be here soon. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Did that gunshot sound pretty close to you? Also I had like a weird flashback thingy just now," Jason said.

"Yeah it was pretty close," Nico agreed.

Percy looked at Jason. "What did you remember?"

Jason shrugged. "It was a really quick flashback, but there was a lot of smoke and some girl, and a bunch of gunshots."

Percy frowned. "As far as I know, you've never been targeted or put into a situation involving guns...."

"We can figure that out later," Nico said, cutting into the conversation. "I think security's here."

Nico pulled them down the stairs and to the door. But when Nico threw the door wide open, it was not security, but rather a teenage girl about their age, with a bloody wound on her left leg, and eyes like twenty-four carat gold that shut.

Jason almost screamed, but tried to keep his nervousness away. "Um, who is she?"

Percy tilted his head. "I don't recognize her, but maybe we should call 911."

Nico pulled out his phone to dial 911 when he gasped and dropped his phone.

"What is it, Nico?" Percy asked.

Nico pointed to something poking out of the girl's pocket. At first, Jason didn't see anything remotely suspicious. Just a wad of cash, a phone, and a necklace. Then he saw the address of Nico's house on the still on phone.

"Did she mean to come here?" Jason said.

"Maybe," Percy said. "But what's got you gasping, Nico?"

Nico shook his head. "No. Not the phone. That."

He pointed to the necklace. Jason still didn't get it, and by Percy's expression, neither did he.

Nico rolled his eyes, and picked up the necklace. It was a simple locket, but inside was a photo of the girl, a woman that looked alike to her enough to be her mother, and...Hades? Percy's eyes widened comically.

"So, you have a half-sister?" Jason said.

Nico nodded. "Apparently."

Percy looked at Nico. "Well what should we do now? If we take her to the emergency room, well if she really is an Olympian, then she would be in a lot of danger."

memory (hiatus)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz